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Showing posts from August, 2023

What I'm writing in YEAR OF THE DOG

I just finished writing Year of the Dog ! It had a massive plot hole that I had to fix which turned out to be more work than I expected. Here’s a snippet: “Hey, Auntie Nell.” He wrapped his arms around her, bussing her on the cheek and breathing in pikake flowers and shortbread cookies. And suddenly he was nine years old again, and her solid presence had made his chaotic world stable once more. “What are you doing here?” He usually took her to dinner on Wednesday nights, but today was Tuesday. The edges of her smile faltered a little before brightening right back up again. “What, I can’t visit my nephew?” She angled around him to enter his home. “Is this your new house? Looks lovely.” Which was a blatant lie, because the fixer-upper was barely livable, much less acceptable to a neat-freak like his aunt. She also left four matching pink and purple floral suitcases on the stoop behind her. Only then did Ashwin notice the cab driver standing slightly to the side of the walkway. “Can ...

Lady Wynwood's Spies 3 - cover character

The character on the cover of Lady Wynwood’s Spies, volume 3: Aggressor One of my favorite covers for the Lady Wynwood’s Spies series is book 3, because the model is so handsome. :) The model on the cover is supposed to be the character, Mr. Michael Coulton-Jones. I absolutely love this cover model! His name is Anatolii and here’s the original stock photo . It was really tough to try to decide which photo to use for the cover! It was a tossup between him and Phoebe for the cover for book 1, but I eventually went with Phoebe. Then in book 2, he was kind of out of the picture. Now that he’s back, he’s on the cover of book 3, although it’s kind of weird because he’s one of the main characters but he doesn’t show up on a cover until book 3. Once again, Thorne could have been on the cover of the book but he was nixed! Poor Thorne. :(However, I have other books planned that give him and Isabella more page time, so I’ll have them on a cover eventually! You can also read about the cover...

Please recommend Lady Wynwood 1 on Goodreads

If you enjoyed Lady Wynwood’s Spies, volume 1: Archer, I’d really appreciate it if you could please recommend it to a friend on Goodreads ! Thank you!

What are you reading?

Young Lady Albert Is Courting Disaster: Volume 1 Currently I’m re-reading this volume because volume 2 just released, and it’s just as funny the second time around! The book often has hilarious one-liners that make me burst out laughing. Mary Albert herself is a kook and despite the fact she’s trying to be a villainess, she keeps doing nice things for the air-headed heroine. Her relationship with her servant is full of sniping (like two siblings) and at times rather sweet. It’s set in an alternate world, so it’s not really historical, but the story is like a fantasy aristocratic setting. What are you reading today?

Writing progress on The Lone Rice Ball

Unfortunately I had a bad bout of IBS, which was probably exacerbated by the stress of my looming deadline. As of today, I’m only about halfway through The Lone Rice Ball . Please pray for me that I’ll be able to finish it by the end of the month!

Necessary Proof ebook is FREE

My Christian Romantic Suspense novella, Necessary Proof , is FREE at all ebook retailers. Here’s the back cover description: Necessary Proof Sonoma series, book #4.1 (novella) After opening his heart to Jesus in prison, Alex Villa has left his criminal past behind him. However, his efforts to take down a gang producing meth in Sonoma have made him a target. Set up to look like he’s being bribed by the gang, the police blame him for the death of a cop. Only the evidence on an encrypted laptop can prove he’s innocent. Software engineer Jane Lawton has been betrayed by the men closest to her, including a God she thought would protect her. She won’t let Alex down, because she knows what it feels like to be disbelieved and abandoned. However, the men after them have orders to repossess the evidence and make sure Jane and Alex take their knowledge to the grave. Can they prove Alex’s innocence before time runs out for them both? ** Those of you who have read Formula for Danger w...

「戌年」連載小説 第1章

キャミー・タング著「戌年」連載小説 プロのドッグトレーナーであるマリ・ムトウは、厄年を迎えている。 犬小屋と訓練所の改築をしながら、いつも不服そうにしている家族と同居することになった。母と姉に言わせれば、犬の毛とよだれかけにまみれる仕事は、家族にとって恥ずべきものだという。彼女は元カレを説得し、数ヶ月間犬を預かってもらうことにした。しかし、彼の兄は、数週間前に彼女が誤って車に追突した、怒り狂ったセキュリティ専門家であることが判明する。 アシュウィン・ケイトウは十分な問題を抱えている。叔母が玄関先に現れ、同居を希望している。彼は彼女にすべてを借りているので、断ることができません。母親が家を出て行った後、ネルおばさんはアシュウィンと弟を引き取り、愛のあるキリスト教の家庭で育てた。しかも、弟のダスティもアパートを追い出され、居場所を求めている。しかし、彼は犬を飼っている。そして、その犬の飼い主は誰だと思いますか? しかし、旧友でオアフ島のノースショアでデイスパを経営する私立探偵のエディサ・ゲレロから依頼を受ける。マリの施設で奇妙な破壊行為があり、3年前に失踪したエディサの妹の財布を発見する。エディサはマリが危険な目に遭っているのではと心配する。警備の専門家であるアシュウィンがすでにマリを知っていることを知ったエディサは、忙しい若い女性を密かに監視することを彼に依頼する。 アシュウィンは、活発でのんびりとしたドッグトレーナーに不本意ながら惹かれていく。彼女は、幸せそうな母親を思い出させる。その母親の裏切りによって、彼は人と距離を置くようになったのだ。マリは、アシュウィンの冷たい外見を見抜き、彼が家族に忠実な男であることを認める。彼は、彼女のキャリア選択を批判するだけの母親や姉とは違う。 マリのバラバラな家庭とアシュウィンのバラバラな家庭の中で、過去を隠そうとする人たちから、彼らの周りに危険が迫ってくるようになる。彼らは、影で動く秘密に光を当てることができるのか? 過去に発表されたパートへのリンクはこちら。 *** キャミー・タング著「戌年」連載小説 第一章 - 消防車赤のコルベット マリ・ムトウは、義兄が妹を裏切っていなかったら、彼女のSUVでそのスリークで高級そうなアウディに突っ込むことはなかっただろう。本当に、彼女のせいじゃ...

Year of the Dog in Japanese

I decided to start posting the Japanese version of my serial novel, Year of the Dog , on my blog! If you know any Japanese women who enjoy reading romance fiction, please do let them know about my blog! Since I’m still learning Japanese, I will be using AI to translate each chapter, so please forgive my errors. I will post links to each of the parts here as they are posted on my blog. I hope you enjoy the Japanese version of Year of the Dog ! I have been posting a serial novel titled, “Year of the Dog” here on my blog, but now I have decided to post it in Japanese, too! Since I’m still learning Japanese, I will be using AI to translate each chapter, so please forgive my errors. I will post links to each of the parts here as they are posted on my blog. Below is some information about the background of my novel, “Year of the Dog.” ブログで連載している「戌年」ですが、このたび日本語でも掲載することにしました!まだ日本語を勉強中なので、AIを使って各章を翻訳する予定です。各パートへのリンクは、私のブログに掲載され次第、ここに掲載します。 以下は、私の小説 「戌年」 の背景についての情報です。 「戌年」について: ...

2 Thessalonians 3:13

Dear Lord, Thank You for how You have blessed us so abundantly. Please help us to know how You want us to in turn serve others. Help us to be faithful to You in doing the good works You have asked us to do. Amen. 親愛なる主よ、あなたが私たちを豊かに祝福してくださったことを感謝します。どうか、私たちが他の人々にどのように奉仕することをあなたが望んでおられるかを知ることができるようにしてください。私たちがあなたに忠実に、あなたが私たちに求めておられる良い行いをすることができるように助けてください。アーメン。

Lamentations 3:25

Dear Lord, Thank You for how good You are to us, for how You watch over us even when we don’t know it. In our busy world, where there are distractions and stress everywhere, help us to be able to wait on You, to wait for You to speak into our lives. Help us to always be seeking Your heart, Your will, and Your glory. Help us to make You the focal point of our lives. Amen. 親愛なる主よ、私たちに対してどれほど良いお心遣いをしてくださるか、どれほど見守ってくださるか、そのことに感謝いたします。私たちが気付かないときでさえ、お守りいただいていることに感謝いたします。忙しい世界で、気を散らすものやストレスがいたるところにある中で、どうかお待ちする力を与えてください。あなたの声が私たちの人生に語りかけてくださるのを待つことができるように助けてください。常にあなたの心を求め、あなたの御旨を求め、あなたの栄光を求めるようにしてください。私たちの生活の中心にあなたをおき、そのことを助けてください。アーメン。

Please recommend Lady Wynwood book 1 on Bookbub

Did you enjoy Lady Wynwood’s Spies, volume 1: Archer? Please recommend the book on BookBub! Lady Wynwood’s Spies, volume 1: Archer on BookBub