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Showing posts from June, 2004

Lady Wynwood #7 early release Kickstarter

I worked on my first Kickstarter and it got approved! It’s for the Special Edition Hardcover of Lady Wynwood’s Spies, volume 1: Archer and the release of Lady Wynwood’s Spies, volume 7: Spinster. I contacted my graphic designer about the Special Edition Hardcover of vol. 1: Archer—it’s going to be SO beautiful! The Kickstarter focuses on the Special Edition Hardcover, but it’ll also include vol. 7: Spinster so that it’ll sort of be like a launch day for vol. 7, too. A third special thing that’ll be in the Kickstarter is Special Edition Paperbacks of all the books in the series. They won’t be available in stores, just in the Kickstarter (and later, from my website, and also in my Patreon book box tiers if I decide to do them). The Kickstarter is not live yet, but you can follow it to be alerted when it has launched. (You may need to create a free Kickstarter account.) Follow Camy’s Kickstarter

WHAT A GIRL WANTS by Kristin Billerbeck

WHAT A GIRL WANTS by Kristin Billerbeck (An Ashley Stockingdale novel, book 1) Book blurb: Ashley Stockingdale, 31, has a respectable (read: boring) job in Silicon Valley as a patent attorney. It's the kind of life that causes her mother to ask repeatedly, "Now what exactly do you do there, dear?" Given that in Silicon Valley the single men outnumber the women 2 to 1, Ashley can't help but wonder why a cute, eligible, Christian girl ("with absolutely adorable shoes") sits home most weekends. Even her church singles group fails to satisfy, endlessly watching The Matrix and "splurging", obnoxiously, on un-cool dinners at Applebee's and unhip franchise restaurants. So Ashley resolves to go for it! If only she knew what "it" she's going for. Perhaps that ever-illusive promotion that would give her the glamorous career girl image she's longed for? Or maybe the wardrobe to end all wardrobes, turning her glowing, possib


ROMANCE RUSTLERS AND THUNDERBIRD THIEVES by Sharon Dunn (A Ruby Taylor Mystery, book 1) From the back cover: No one makes a fool of Ruby Taylor . . . or her friends. A tough cookie with an attitude, but also a soft heart, Ruby finds herself in a perilous search for a young man who disappeared just days before he was to be married. Her sometimes harrowing yet often hilarious quest to right the wrongs of love pit her against helicopters, wild buffalo, and some desperate people who have every reason to want Ruby to fail. Camy here: EXCELLENT book! The heroine, Ruby Taylor, is real and gritty, and non-Christian at the beginning of the book. She's awesome. Her hero/love interest is also a "real" Christian guy, still suffering through the mistakes he made in his own past. I've been so tired of so-called "tortured" heroes, where it turns out their only sin is a decision made in ignorance that resulted in something bad happening to them. Puh-leez

Secular fiction, series idea, Elizabeth Jackson

6/30/04 Just random thoughts, today. I'm not feeling well and called in sick at work. I don't think I'm prego (and I hope I'm not) but I also know that anything's possible with God. There's an interesting discussion about Secular and Christian fiction on the ACRW email discussion loop (American Christian Romance Writers, Where do I fit in? I'm not very interested in "sweet" romances, but my current wip(s) are turning out to be too "preachy" to be secular. Will God allow me to be published? Will He allow me to write full-time someday? I had a good evening last night developing the storyline and characters for my wip. God is so good. The ideas just flowed, despite the fact I wasn't feeling very well. I've almost got a handle on Aiden's story. I also got an idea to link my first ms THE CORINTHIAN RULES with Aiden's story into a series. Four cousins, all Christians, trying to cope with the stigma of OSFC: Oldest

Catching up

6/17/04 The time has just sped by. I finally finished a bit of Spring Cleaning, and now that I can see the floor in my guest bedroom, somehow my mind feels less cluttered, too. The biggest news is from yesterday. I received a call from Sharon at Arabella Magazine, who said that they want to publish a short story I submitted to them in March! I'm so stoked. The story is "Dom Perignon," a romance about love at first sight in a San Francisco art gallery gala. God is soooooo good. This is a faboo publishing opportunity He's given to me. I'll also have an article being published in "Nikkei Heritage," a quarterly journal published by the National Japanese American Historical Society. The Fall/Winter edition is themed "War," and my piece is a light-hearted description of how World War 2 impacted life in the Hawaiian country town of Waialua, O'ahu, where my grandmother lives. I had a great time interviewing my grandmother and my mother, and I learn

April 2004 newsletter

Here's my April newsletter: 4/25/04 Hi, and welcome to my first newsletter! So much has happened in the last month. Let's see if I can organize the highlights: 1) Mt. Hermon: I attended my very first writer's conference ever, the Mount Hermon Christian Writer's Conference at the beginning of April. What an amazing experience. I felt God's hand on me each and every day. He led the right people to meet me at the right times. It was wonderful to put faces to the names I knew from my online writer's groups, and to meet new friends. I met a wonderful woman of God, Sharon Hinck, and we hit it off immediately. She has been an incredible support and cheerleader for me in the revising process since I've been back from the conference. I can't imagine revising "The Corinthian Rules" without her. I fully expect a publishing company to contract for her novels "The Restorer" and "Amber Bay" soon. She's an amazing writer. I also met Ch