I just finished writing Year of the Dog ! It had a massive plot hole that I had to fix which turned out to be more work than I expected. Here’s a snippet: “Hey, Auntie Nell.” He wrapped his arms around her, bussing her on the cheek and breathing in pikake flowers and shortbread cookies. And suddenly he was nine years old again, and her solid presence had made his chaotic world stable once more. “What are you doing here?” He usually took her to dinner on Wednesday nights, but today was Tuesday. The edges of her smile faltered a little before brightening right back up again. “What, I can’t visit my nephew?” She angled around him to enter his home. “Is this your new house? Looks lovely.” Which was a blatant lie, because the fixer-upper was barely livable, much less acceptable to a neat-freak like his aunt. She also left four matching pink and purple floral suitcases on the stoop behind her. Only then did Ashwin notice the cab driver standing slightly to the side of the walkway. “Can ...
Just random thoughts, today. I'm not feeling well and called in sick at work. I don't think I'm prego (and I hope I'm not) but I also know that anything's possible with God.
There's an interesting discussion about Secular and Christian fiction on the ACRW email discussion loop (American Christian Romance Writers, www.acrw.net). Where do I fit in? I'm not very interested in "sweet" romances, but my current wip(s) are turning out to be too "preachy" to be secular. Will God allow me to be published? Will He allow me to write full-time someday?
I had a good evening last night developing the storyline and characters for my wip. God is so good. The ideas just flowed, despite the fact I wasn't feeling very well. I've almost got a handle on Aiden's story.
I also got an idea to link my first ms THE CORINTHIAN RULES with Aiden's story into a series. Four cousins, all Christians, trying to cope with the stigma of OSFC: Oldest Single Female Cousin. My husband laughed, because no matter where you go, there will be people in any Asian family who will target anyone (male or female) who's single--"When are you going to get a boyfriend? You're not doing your family duty. You're not looking hard enough. Your poor parents."
The agent I'd contacted emailed to tell me that he'd like to represent me. Praise God! At the same time, I'm both excited and scared. I hope this turns out to be a good agent/writer relationship. I had Neal's lawyer uncle look over the sample Agency Agreement the agent emailed to me. I wrote the agent back with two changes Uncle David said I needed in the contract, but at the same time, I felt uncomfortable requesting them. After all, who am I (lowly unpublished peon) to request contract changes from an agent who's done tons of standard contracts?
I also just read "A Brilliant Alliance" by Elizabeth Jackson, an old Signet Regency romance. I wish she'd written more books. The heroine was smart, practical, logical and likeable, the hero's motives and actions were interesting and believable. Her prose is more old-fashioned, a bit similar to Jane Austen rather than the current popular style.
I just made a list on Amazon of Little-known Regency authors, my favorites. It was fun and gratifying to list the older titles that hooked me into Regencies in the first place.
Well, back to writing.
Just random thoughts, today. I'm not feeling well and called in sick at work. I don't think I'm prego (and I hope I'm not) but I also know that anything's possible with God.
There's an interesting discussion about Secular and Christian fiction on the ACRW email discussion loop (American Christian Romance Writers, www.acrw.net). Where do I fit in? I'm not very interested in "sweet" romances, but my current wip(s) are turning out to be too "preachy" to be secular. Will God allow me to be published? Will He allow me to write full-time someday?
I had a good evening last night developing the storyline and characters for my wip. God is so good. The ideas just flowed, despite the fact I wasn't feeling very well. I've almost got a handle on Aiden's story.
I also got an idea to link my first ms THE CORINTHIAN RULES with Aiden's story into a series. Four cousins, all Christians, trying to cope with the stigma of OSFC: Oldest Single Female Cousin. My husband laughed, because no matter where you go, there will be people in any Asian family who will target anyone (male or female) who's single--"When are you going to get a boyfriend? You're not doing your family duty. You're not looking hard enough. Your poor parents."
The agent I'd contacted emailed to tell me that he'd like to represent me. Praise God! At the same time, I'm both excited and scared. I hope this turns out to be a good agent/writer relationship. I had Neal's lawyer uncle look over the sample Agency Agreement the agent emailed to me. I wrote the agent back with two changes Uncle David said I needed in the contract, but at the same time, I felt uncomfortable requesting them. After all, who am I (lowly unpublished peon) to request contract changes from an agent who's done tons of standard contracts?
I also just read "A Brilliant Alliance" by Elizabeth Jackson, an old Signet Regency romance. I wish she'd written more books. The heroine was smart, practical, logical and likeable, the hero's motives and actions were interesting and believable. Her prose is more old-fashioned, a bit similar to Jane Austen rather than the current popular style.
I just made a list on Amazon of Little-known Regency authors, my favorites. It was fun and gratifying to list the older titles that hooked me into Regencies in the first place.
Well, back to writing.