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Showing posts from September, 2007

What I'm writing in YEAR OF THE DOG

I just finished writing Year of the Dog ! It had a massive plot hole that I had to fix which turned out to be more work than I expected. Here’s a snippet: “Hey, Auntie Nell.” He wrapped his arms around her, bussing her on the cheek and breathing in pikake flowers and shortbread cookies. And suddenly he was nine years old again, and her solid presence had made his chaotic world stable once more. “What are you doing here?” He usually took her to dinner on Wednesday nights, but today was Tuesday. The edges of her smile faltered a little before brightening right back up again. “What, I can’t visit my nephew?” She angled around him to enter his home. “Is this your new house? Looks lovely.” Which was a blatant lie, because the fixer-upper was barely livable, much less acceptable to a neat-freak like his aunt. She also left four matching pink and purple floral suitcases on the stoop behind her. Only then did Ashwin notice the cab driver standing slightly to the side of the walkway. “Can ...

Blog tour - day thirty

Captain's Log, Stardate 09.30.2007 I finish off the blog tour on Janet Dean’s blog talking about Janet’s forte, historical romances. Big thanks to everyone who hosted my blog tour and to everyone who visited them! You can view the full blog tour schedule here .

Chapter excerpt - Demon by Tosca Lee

TOSCA LEE and her book: Demon: A Memoir (NavPress, September 1, 2007) Recently divorced and mired in a meaningless existence, Clay drifts from his drab apartment to his equally lusterless job as an editor for a small Boston press--until the night Lucian finds him and everything changes with the simple words, "I'm going to tell you my story, and you're going to write it down and publish it." What begins as a mystery soon spirals into chaotic obsession as Clay struggles to piece together Lucian's dark tale of love, ambition, and grace--only to discover that the demon's story has become his own. And then only one thing matters: learning how the story ends. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Tosca Lee received her BA in English and International Relations from Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts. She has also studied at Oxford University. As a Leadership Consultant, Tosca works with managers and leaders of organizations throughout the Pan-Pacific region, ...

Blog tour - day twenty-eight

Captain's Log, Supplemental I’m doing a Hawaiian-style interview with fellow local Malia Spenser . I give Angie Breidenbach one of my favorite Hawaiian recipes. I'm guest blogging at Heather Tipton's blog about obedience. You can view the full blog tour schedule here .

Ka Nupepa

Captain's Log, Stardate 09.28.2007 My mom is on a one-woman mission to get me onto Oprah. She got in touch with a local Hawaiian paper and they ran a story on me. The paper is affiliated with the Honolulu Advertiser, one of the major Hawaiian newspapers. "Author serves up 'Sushi for One?'" by Don Robbins

The Restitution by M.L. Tyndall

Captain’s Log, Stardate 09.28.07 The Restitution by M.L. Tyndall Lady Isabel Ashton, scorned by society after the birth of her illegitimate child, longs to regain wealth and position-despite Christ's call on her heart. But when her son is kidnapped, she's forced to seek the aid of the man who pirated her purity. How far will Isabel go to save her child and redeem her honor? Captain Kent Carlton, desperate to win the heart of the woman he once ravished, finds himself battling jealousy as well as the sea. Can a penniless pirate capture the love he so urgently desires, or will the lady seek her safe harbor in another man's arms? Camy here: I absolutely loved this book. Once I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down. It started a little slow—it took a few pages for me to get into it. But as soon as the heroine encounters the pirate in the muddy street, the book had me hooked. There was conflict and tension on every single page. I couldn’t stop reading. The heroine, Isabel,...


Captain's Log, Supplemental On a positive note, yesterday I finished my first round of edits (called Macro edits at Zondervan) for Single Sashimi , the third book in my Sushi series, previously titled The Lone Rice Ball until I discovered that "rice ball" can be derogatory, which I totally did not know. Did you guys know that already?

Interview with Tamera Alexander

Captain's Log, Stardate 09.27.2007 Today I have an interview with Historical Romance author Tamera Alexander about her latest novel, Remembered ! In book 3 of the Fountain Creek Chronicles, Veronique Girard sets off to Colorado Territory from France after the death of her mother. She is searching for her father, who set off to make his fortune in American as a fur trader twenty-five years ago. Unfamiliar with the language, customs, and the land, Veronique sets out on a dangerous journey to find a man she doesn't remember and answers to her questions. Jack Brennan has been working himself to death for the past fifteen years as a wagon guide to block out the pain of his wife and son's death. Now, he is ready to settle down in Willow Springs. When he is thrown together unexpectedly with Veronique, he becomes involved with her quest to find her father, but that is not the only way she has the potential to change his life. And now, here’s me and Tammy! What inspi...

2007 ACFW Genesis contest winners

Contemporary Romance (includes romantic comedy) 3rd place: Jennifer Hudson Taylor , By His Plan 2nd place: Jennifer Lynn Cary , On The Court 1st place: Audra Harders , Rough Ride Historical Romance 3rd place: Audra Harders , Precious Possessions 2nd place: Jennifer Hudson Taylor , Promised Blessings 1st place: Pam Hillman , Stealing Jake's Heart Romantic Suspense 3rd place: Suzan Robertson , The Circle Game 2nd place: Dineen Miller , Manna Reign 1st place: Marci J. Burke, Shadow of Doubt Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Allegory 3rd place: Rebecca Grabill , Out of Darkness 2nd place: Chris Mikesell , Revival 1st place: Sally A. Apokedak , The Kisses of an Enemy Historical Fiction 3rd place: Marcia Gruver , Love Never Fails AND Yvonne Anderson, Mom's Mirror 2nd place: Tina Helmuth , Hidden Snares 1st place: Carla Stewart , A Dandelion Day Young Adult 3rd place: Sally Apokedak , Prisoners of the Throne 2nd place: Linda Fulkerson , The Rod of Schmazel 1st place: Rachael Phillips , Song of the Orph...

Blog tour - day twenty-two

Captain's Log, Stardate 09.22.2007 Tyora Moody asks me about coming up with ideas for my book. I’m being interviewed by my fellow coffee lover, Sandra Glahn . 123pizza (don't you love that blog name?) gives a review of Sushi for One . You can view the full blog tour schedule here .

Interview with Tricia Goyer

Captain's Log, Stardate 09.20.2007 Today I have an interview with historical fiction author Tricia Goyer about her latest novel, A Valley of Betrayal ! Artist Sophie Grace has one goal: finding her beloved Michael in war-torn Spain. His work as a news photographer has taken him deep into the country wracked by civil war between rag-tag Spanish patriots and Nazi-backed Franco forces. Secrets abound in ruined Spain. Michael is loving but elusive, especially about beautiful Maria. The American who helped Sophie sneak into Spain turns up in odd places. Michael’s friend José knows more than he tells. When reports of Michael’s disappearance reach her, Sophie is devastated. What are her feelings for Philip, an American soldier who comes to her rescue? Sophie must sift truth from lies as she becomes more embroiled in the war that threatens her life and breaks her heart. Acclaimed author Tricia Goyer creates a riveting cast of characters against the backdrop of pre-WWII Spain. Love...

Blog tour - day eighteen

Captain's Log, Supplemental I get to talk about Mary and me on Mary DeMuth’s blog . Jennifer Saake and I talk SUSHI! (you must be logged in to Shoutlife or sign up for a Shoutlife account to view the blog) You can view the full blog tour schedule here .

Interview with Kimberly Stuart

Captain's Log, Stardate 09.17.2007 Today I have an interview with mom lit author Kimberly Stuart about her latest novel, Bottom Line ! Heidi Elliott has joined the elite ranks of stay-at-home moms--a world of cartoons, toys, and a significant lack of grown-up conversation. When her husband's business experiences financial problems, Heidi decides to take a part-time job selling lingerie with her new (and very well-off) friends, Kylie and Russ Zimmerman. But in juggling the competing demands of home and high fashion, Heidi discovers that Kylie's faith may lack authenticity, while Russ's concept of marriage may lack fidelity. And with a precocious toddler distracting her--not to mention the niggling idea of having another!--she finds herself torn between living comfortably and standing on her principles. Irreverent and entertaining (how can motherhood be anything but?), Heidi Elliott's happily chaotic world is filled with colorful characters, including a clog-wear...

Blog tour - day sixteen

Captain's Log, Stardate 09.16.2007 My good friend Ronie Kendig has me on the hotseat on her blog. Cool cat Audra Harders posts a review. I’m blogging about chick flicks on Good Girl Lit with Anne Dayton and May Vanderbilt. Voracious reader and star reviewer Michelle Sutton gives my book a review. You can view the full blog tour schedule here .

Blog tour - day fifteen

Captain's Log, Stardate 09.15.2007 I talk about writing and chick lit on Tina Forkner’s blog . Alison Strobel Morrow interviews my chick-litty self, and I give the original blurb for Sushi for One that I used for my proposal. You can view the full blog tour schedule here .


Captain's Log, Stardate 09.15.2007 Hey guys, I’m off today and I’ll be out of town for about two weeks. I’ll have internet access most days, and I’ll be posting my weekly giveaways, but I’ll be light on blogging here. However, I have a whole slew of fun stuff on my blog tour! I’ll be posting my daily stops in case any of you have a case of Camy-withdrawal (and if you do, you need serious medical attention. Like a psychiatrist.)

Blog tour - day fourteen

Captain's Log, Supplemental I talk about what it’s like to get my novel published on Tricia Goyer’s blog . My pal Georgiana Daniels interviews me on time management and desert islands. I get to talk about BOOKS with Jen at So Many Books . You can view the full blog tour schedule here .

Blog tour - day thirteen

Captain's Log, Supplemental Fellow Asian and Chinese food lover Deborah does a review and an interview on her blog with the great name, Books, Movies, and Chinese Food, and I get to talk about—what else?—my favorite Chinese food. You can view the full blog tour schedule here .

Interview with Hope Lyda

Captain's Log, Stardate 09.13.2007 Today I have an interview with chick lit author Hope Lyda  about her latest novel, Life, Libby, and the Pursuit of Happiness ! Libby Hawthorne makes exotic trip itineraries but never leaves Seattle. She’d like to attend church but winds up at a bookstore. She longs for love—but who has the time? Delayed happiness has been worth it, because she’s about to get her dream promotion... Or not. So now what? When a corporate merger leaves her demoted and disillusioned, Libby realizes she needs to start living authentically...and soon. But just as she tries to uncover her purposed life, her cruel and unusual boss, Cecilia, demands that Libby hide Seattle’s most famous homegrown rock star in order to keep her new, bad job. For the first time in years, Libby doesn’t have a step by step plan to guide her. She must trust her faith and her heart. But what is she supposed to do with her growing admiration for Blaine Slater, a new VP from Chicago, ...

Blog tour - day twelve

Captain's Log, Supplemental I get interviewed by a friend who knew me when I first started writing, Margaret Daley . I’m doing an interview with Crystal Miller on When I Was Just a Kid. Jenn Doucette asks me for my favorite Asian recipe. You can view the full blog tour schedule here .

Blog tour - day eleven

Captain's Log, Supplemental Laura Domino reviews my book and tries at subliminal messages ;). Cheryl Wyatt is being her squirrelly self with me, and she asks my three Sushi heroines to give blurbs about ME. LaShaunda from Shades of Romance Magazine gives an interview with a slant toward the spiritual aspects of Christian fiction. You can view the full blog tour schedule here .

Dog kimonos

Captain's Log, Stardate 09.11.2007 It might be because I'm Japanese, but I thought these pics were SO cute! My mom sent these to me. And lastly, the CUTEST PUPPY in a kimono!

Interview with Melody Carlson

Captain's Log, Stardate 09.10.2007 Today I’ve got an interview with Melody Carlson about her latest chick lit novel, These Boots Weren’t Made for Walking . Willing to make the necessary sacrifices–even skipping the occasional latte–to ensure career success, 31-year-old Cassidy Cantrell “invests” in a chic pair of boots, certain they’ll make a spectacular impression and help seal the deal on a long-anticipated promotion from her Seattle employer. But reality tromps all over her expectations. Cassie’s job is abruptly eliminated–and her love life obliterated, when her longtime boyfriend dumps her for a “friend.” Her self-esteem in tatters, Cassie limps home to the resort town she once so eagerly fled–only to find her recently divorced mother transformed into a gorgeous fifty-something babe with a thriving social life. Cassie wrestles with envy and apathy as she considers the dismal shape of her own physique and romantic prospects. What will it take for her to jump back into life ...

Blog tour - day nine

Captain's Log, Stardate 09.09.2007 (I'm going to a church function and won't have internet access, so I'm posting this a bit early.) I get to talk about worship on Missy Tippens’ blog . You can view the full blog tour schedule here .

Blog tour - day eight

Captain's Log, Stardate 09.08.2007 (I'm going to a church function and won't have internet access, so I'm posting this a bit early.) I’m blogging on Allison Bottke’s blog about my Boomer Babe Hero. You can view the full blog tour schedule here .

Blog tour - day seven

Captain's Log, Supplemental I talk about my favorite fictional character, my favorite crayon, and my favorite word on Kelly Klepfer's blog . Sabrina Fox and I chat about my family and the kids in my youth group. It’s Day five of a Week of Camy at Novel Journey ! Review! Interview! Guest blog! Giving away a book a day! You can view the full blog tour schedule here .

Nice Matters blog award

Captain's Log, Stardate 09.07.2007 Delia and Laura were so sweet, they gave me the Nice Matters blog award. “This award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you’ve been awarded please pass it on to 7 others who you feel are deserving of this award.” Christina Berry (Christina and her mom are some of the nicest people I know) Sharon Hinck (Sharon could use some nice her life, because she’s nice even when other people aren’t) Pamela James (Pammer will laugh, but she’s got a really tender soul that loves to love me, I don’t know why) Ronie Kendig (Ronie’s just a sweetie, she even sends me cards for no reason) Dineen Miller (D’s like the sister I never had) Robin Caroll (Robin’s not exactly nice but she’ll get a kick out of me giving her this award) Cheryl Wyatt (Squirl will wonder what she did to warrant an award)

Blog tour - day six

Captain's Log, Supplemental New CFBA member Heidi has a cool interview on her blog about Asian Barbie dolls and what inspired the series. My heroine Lex is blogging over at Dineen Miller’s blog about favorite restaurants. Jackie Castle reviews Sushi for One? . It’s Day four of a Week of Camy at Novel Journey ! Review! Interview! Guest blog! Giving away a book a day! You can view the full blog tour schedule here .

Guest bloggers Vasthi Reyes Acosta, Gail Sattler, Lynette Sowell, and Carrie Turansky

Captain's Log, Stardate 09.06.2007 Today I four guest bloggers: Vasthi Reyes Acosta, Gail Sattler, Lynette Sowell, and Carrie Turansky talking about their romance anthology, A Big Apple Christmas ! Contemporary Romance: Enjoy a contemporary romance collection of four heartwarming novellas that capture the sights and sounds of Christmas in New York City. Christmas plans are set askew when a schedule-bound professional organizer meets a free-spirited poet. Holiday bustle is the means two tourists try to use to get lost in the crowds. Christmas in Rockerfeller Center puts a widow's dreams on center stage. The gift of the Magi comes full circle for two lonely Latinos. Romance is in the air from Fifth Avenue to Chinatown, but can faith bring the love home? And now, here’s Vasthi, Gail, Lynette and Carrie! First, a big thanks to Camy for letting stop by today. She’s doing a great job promoting Christian fiction, and clearing off her bookshelf at the same time. And Camy,...

Blog tour - day five

Captain's Log, Supplemental Join me at Christa’s blog for a blog post about my favorite subject—food! Winter and I talk about food, volleyball, and the cover art for Sushi for One . Amber Miller and I talk about the characters and themes in my book. Erica Vetsch asks me about the inside story on that painting in the pastor’s office in Sushi for One . Linda Fulkerson asks what influenced me to become a novelist. My friend Kelly Klepfer posts a review. Page McManus posts a review and asks me how I reward myself. The Christian Fiction Blog Alliance is featuring my book from today until Friday. It’s Day three of a Week of Camy at Novel Journey ! Review! Interview! Guest blog! Giving away a book a day! You can view the full blog tour schedule here .

Blog tour – day four

Captain's Log, Supplemental Robin Caroll asks about the Chinese and Japanese cultures in my novel. It’s Day two of a Week of Camy at Novel Journey ! Review! Interview! Guest blog! Giving away a book a day! You can view the full blog tour schedule here .

Book meme

Captain's Log, Stardate 09.04.2007 Mandy Leigh tagged me for this meme. How could I resist? I mean, BOOKS!!! 1) Total number of books I own: I have an excel spreadsheet that lists all the books I own AND the ones I’ve read and given away, so it’s hard for me to gauge. What’s embarrassing is that it says I own and have owned a total of 4,530 books. I didn’t buy them all at full price—the majority of them are out of print Regency romances that I got at Goodwill for $1 each. 2) Last book I bought: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 3) Last book I read: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (I really liked it, I don’t care what people say about the ending) 4-8) Five books that mean a lot to me: (I’m going to go with novels because that’s what I feel like) Persuasion by Jane Austen. My favorite novel. Sushi for One? by Moi, for obvious reasons. Dragonsong by Anne McCaffrey. The first time I read it, it was so good, it made me cry that it ended. Firebird by Kathy Tyers (the re...

Blog tour – day three

Captain's Log, Supplemental Julie Carobini asks me what a day in my life looks like ... scary! Head over to Angie Poole’s blog for a few of my fishtales. Sally Bradley asks about leaving a character at the end of a book. It’s Day one of a Week of Camy at Novel Journey ! Review! Interview! Guest blog! Giving away a book a day! You can view the full blog tour schedule here .

Interview with Sharon Hinck

Captain's Log, Stardate 09.03.2007 Today I have a fabulous interview with my friend, Sharon Hinck  about her novel, The Restorer ! (The Sword of Lyric, book 1) Susan Mitchell needed a change--any kind of change. Nearly twenty years of marriage to her college sweetheart, Mark, had given her two teenagers and two grade-schoolers, along with miles of unmatched socks, sticky countertops, and the ever-growing hum of sheer bedlam. When had she become so . . . insignificant? Hadn't God once had a plan for her? Well, at least Mark had a plan: for an attic hideaway free of iPods and science projects and cookie crumbs. But before Susan can finish her first journal entry, she finds herself pulled through a portal into a world grappling for its soul and waiting for a promised Restorer. Someone does have a plan for her--one she never would have imagined. While she struggles to adapt to a foreign culture full of unfamiliar technologies and taboos, she faces unexpected battles, m...

Blog tour – day two

Captain's Log, Stardate 09.02.2007 Today, I’m guest blogging at Pamela’s James’ blog about finding a Pammer in your life. Also, Mary Connealy’s doing a review of Sushi for One . You can view the full blog tour schedule here .

Camy's Blog Tour!

Thanks so much to everyone who participated in my blog tour for Sushi for One ! The full schedule (with links) is at the bottom of this post. Here are some highlights from a few interviews: From Julie Carobini's blog : Hey Camy, You often speak fondly of Captain Caffeine and his imported espresso maker. What's your favorite caffeinated beverage order? Honestly, tea. Strong English Breakfast or Irish Breakfast tea. I'll take Earl Grey if I'm feeling zesty, or Ginger Peach (Republic of Tea) if I'm feeling fruity. In the summer, it's iced. In the winter, it's scalding hot, sometimes with a little soymilk and honey. However, I won't turn my nose up at a latte, especially if it's from Captain Caffeine or our favorite coffeeshop, Barefoot Coffee in Santa Clara. From Sally Bradley's blog : SB: In the story, Lex mentions a girl named Camy who gets brained by volleyballs all the time. I have to ask — is that you making a cameo in your own bo...