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Showing posts from February, 2021

What I'm writing in YEAR OF THE DOG

I just finished writing Year of the Dog ! It had a massive plot hole that I had to fix which turned out to be more work than I expected. Here’s a snippet: “Hey, Auntie Nell.” He wrapped his arms around her, bussing her on the cheek and breathing in pikake flowers and shortbread cookies. And suddenly he was nine years old again, and her solid presence had made his chaotic world stable once more. “What are you doing here?” He usually took her to dinner on Wednesday nights, but today was Tuesday. The edges of her smile faltered a little before brightening right back up again. “What, I can’t visit my nephew?” She angled around him to enter his home. “Is this your new house? Looks lovely.” Which was a blatant lie, because the fixer-upper was barely livable, much less acceptable to a neat-freak like his aunt. She also left four matching pink and purple floral suitcases on the stoop behind her. Only then did Ashwin notice the cab driver standing slightly to the side of the walkway. “Can ...

Celebration Lit blog tour day 14

Lady Wynwood's Spies, volume 1: Archer is going on a blog tour with Celebration Lit! The tour is from February 15th through the 28th, so be sure to visit all the tour stops. Also enter the giveaway for a 1-year subscription to Kindle Unlimited! The blog tour stops today are: Adventures of a Travelers Wife A Good Book and Cup of Tea Blogging With Carol Today is the last day of the tour! Don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

Celebration Lit blog tour day 13

Lady Wynwood's Spies, volume 1: Archer is going on a blog tour with Celebration Lit! The tour is from February 15th through the 28th, so be sure to visit all the tour stops. Also enter the giveaway for a 1-year subscription to Kindle Unlimited! The blog tour stops today are: Blossoms and Blessings Britt Reads Fiction

Tea for Today - Earl Grey Bella Luna by @AdagioTeas #myadagio

Today’s tea, Earl Grey Bella Luna by, is EXTRA special because this tea is only available to buy for 24 hours on the day of the full moon each month! From the website: Earl Grey Bella Luna brings the light of the full moon to your cup. Robust Earl Grey shines with familiar bergamot notes, highlighted by a soft glow of coconut and cream. Rich, bright, and well-rounded, this tea is not to be missed... but it only rises once a month, so don't miss out! Please note - we operate on EST. This tea is available for 24 hours the day of each full moon. We kindly ask customers in timezones other than EST, to please account for the time difference when purchasing. Thanks! Black Tea | High caffeine | Steep at 212° for 3-5 minutes. The coconut and creme flavor added to earl grey is so weirdly complimentary! Earl grey purists won’t like this, but I tend to like earl grey with milk so this wasn’t too weird for me. It’s a surprisingly exotic flavor, and a bit intense, ...

Celebration Lit blog tour day 12

Lady Wynwood's Spies, volume 1: Archer is going on a blog tour with Celebration Lit! The tour is from February 15th through the 28th, so be sure to visit all the tour stops. Also enter the giveaway for a 1-year subscription to Kindle Unlimited! The blog tour stops today are: Tell Tale Book Reviews Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy

Lady Wynwood's Spies, volume 1: Archer EXCERPT - Prologue 1a

I’m posting an excerpt of Lady Wynwood’s Spies, volume 1: Archer , the first part of my Lady Wynwood’s Spies series! Part one in a Christian Regency Romantic Adventure epic serial novel with a supernatural twist Lady Wynwood’s Spies series, volume 1 She met him again by shooting him. After four seasons and unmarried because she is taller than most of her dance partners, Miss Phoebe Sauber receives the shocking news that she is being callously banished from her father’s estate because he is remarrying. Feeling betrayed by her father and by God, and wanting to escape her family’s presence, she attends an archery tournament with her friends. But her perfect aim fails her, and her arrow hits a piece of paper held by Mr. Michael Coulton-Jones, whom she hasn’t seen much in society in several years. But strangely, her arrow tears a section of the paper with a partial symbol that looks eerily familiar to her. He met her again while searching for a killer. Michael had quit his wor...

Celebration Lit blog tour day 11

Lady Wynwood's Spies, volume 1: Archer is going on a blog tour with Celebration Lit! The tour is from February 15th through the 28th, so be sure to visit all the tour stops. Also enter the giveaway for a 1-year subscription to Kindle Unlimited! The blog tour stops today are: Happily Managing a Household of Boys Just Your Average reviews Simple Harvest Reads (Guest Review from Mindy Houng)

Funny snippet from Lady Wynwood’s Spies 1

I don’t always post excerpts from my manuscript, but I happened to come across this snippet from Lady Wynwood’s Spies 1: Archer , it made me laugh. I don’t really remember writing it, but now I’m glad I did. :) Sep had made a living out of keeping his emotions from his face, but it was increasingly hard to do so as he and Calvin disembarked from the cart on the streets of Jem Town. They first headed to where he knew Michael had last been, at Auntie Ann’s Bakery. But Calvin grew tense as they approached from down the street. “There are more people than normal hanging around. Something happened.” They didn’t need to ask anyone—there were several groups of people huddled together and whispering, so Sep and Calvin sidled up to one of them. Calvin had a look of salacious interest on his young face, and a woman in a dirty mobcap immediately asked, “Did you hear what happened? Lotty was killed early this morning! Found lying against the wall of the bakery, her neck broke.” The woman s...

Celebration Lit blog tour day 10

Lady Wynwood's Spies, volume 1: Archer is going on a blog tour with Celebration Lit! The tour is from February 15th through the 28th, so be sure to visit all the tour stops. Also enter the giveaway for a 1-year subscription to Kindle Unlimited! The blog tour stops today are: deb’s Book Review Fiction Book Lover (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

Celebration Lit blog tour day 9

Lady Wynwood's Spies, volume 1: Archer is going on a blog tour with Celebration Lit! The tour is from February 15th through the 28th, so be sure to visit all the tour stops. Also enter the giveaway for a 1-year subscription to Kindle Unlimited! The blog tour stops today are: For Him and My Family Labor Not in Vain

Tea for Today - Gingerbread by @AdagioTeas #myadagio

The holidays are past, but I’m evoking Christmas with today’s tea, Gingerbread by From the website: Premium black tea from Sri Lanka flavored with sweet gingerbread. Both Gingerbread men and women agree: this unique tea is the perfect addition to any house (gingerbread or regular). A comforting old-world treat, delicious in any season. Warm and cozy, perfect sweetened or not. Black Tea | High caffeine | Steep at 212° for 3 minutes. The smell reminded me of Starbucks gingerbread lattes, so I had my husband steam some milk for me and I used a generous dollop of that with this tea. The tea flavor was stronger than the gingerbread flavor, so this tasted more like a creamy, slightly spicy cup of milk tea than a dessert drink. It was delicious with one of my sugar-glazed treacle buns .

Sourdough Treacle Buns recipe from Lady Wynwood's Spies

If you read my Christian Regency Romantic Suspense novel, Lady Wynwood’s Spies, volume 2: Berserker , you will have noticed that Miss Tolberton brings humble treacle buns to eat with tea at the church. Not only that, but the treacle bun appears in a surprising way in Lady Wynwood’s Spies, volume 3: Aggressor . I got the idea for treacle buns from looking through old cookbooks from the 1800s. Commercial dry yeast cakes for making breads were not available until 1825, which is 15 years after the date of my book, so most breads during the Regency period were made with sourdough starters. “Black treacle” is the same thing as molasses, and was mentioned in cookbooks published during the Regency period, but in those books, I couldn’t find a recipe for treacle bread or treacle buns or brown bread. This seemed a bit strange to me since brown bread (made with whole wheat and black treacle) has been around since before the Regency period, but I am guessing that it was such a common food, m...

Celebration Lit blog tour day 8

Lady Wynwood's Spies, volume 1: Archer is going on a blog tour with Celebration Lit! The tour is from February 15th through the 28th, so be sure to visit all the tour stops. Also enter the giveaway for a 1-year subscription to Kindle Unlimited! The blog tour stops today are: Reflecting on Days Gone By Pause for Tales The Artist Librarian (interview with me) The Artist Librarian (review of my book) Note from Camy: Please visit the Artist Librarian! She’s one of my favorite book bloggers!

Celebration Lit blog tour day 7

Lady Wynwood's Spies, volume 1: Archer is going on a blog tour with Celebration Lit! The tour is from February 15th through the 28th, so be sure to visit all the tour stops. Also enter the giveaway for a 1-year subscription to Kindle Unlimited! The blog tour stops today are: Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess Texas Book-aholic

Tea for Today - Rooibos Nutcracker by @AdagioTeas #myadagio

This is one of my last Christmas-themed teas! Today’s tea is Rooibos Nutcracker by From the website: How suite it is! Limited-edition holiday herbal features rooibos with fruit, nuts, caramel, and cocoa. Smooth, rich flavors offer natural sweetness and depth. This is the ideal blend to sip by the tree, on a snowy winter's evening. Herbal Tea | No caffeine | Steep at 212° for 5 minutes. The caramel flavor really comes through, so I added milk and sugar. I’m not a huge fan of rooibos, but the rooibos complimented the caramel and spices quite well. It was a nice warming cup of tea that went well with my lunch today.

Slow Down Saturday - Isaiah 41:14

I know this might be kind of a weird verse for a Bible image, but I like this verse a lot because it reminds me that God is BIG. God is WAY BIG. God is SO much BIGGER THAN ME. Lately my health has been kind of tough. Nothing serious, just inconvenient. But it’s been causing me to stress out, because I’m the kind of person who will worry and worry and worry. But this verse reminds me that God is bigger than my problems, and God will help me, because God is the Holy One of Israel. So I hope this verse encourages you today, too. What are some encouraging Bible verses that you like?

Celebration Lit blog tour day 6

Lady Wynwood's Spies, volume 1: Archer is going on a blog tour with Celebration Lit! The tour is from February 15th through the 28th, so be sure to visit all the tour stops. Also enter the giveaway for a 1-year subscription to Kindle Unlimited! The blog tour stops today are: Betti Mace Inklings and notions

Celebration Lit blog tour day 5

Lady Wynwood's Spies, volume 1: Archer is going on a blog tour with Celebration Lit! The tour is from February 15th through the 28th, so be sure to visit all the tour stops. Also enter the giveaway for a 1-year subscription to Kindle Unlimited! The blog tour stops today are: Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations HookMeInABook

Lady Wynwood's Spies, volume 1: Archer EXCERPT - Nightmare

I’m posting an excerpt of Lady Wynwood’s Spies, volume 1: Archer , the first part of my Lady Wynwood’s Spies series! Part one in a Christian Regency Romantic Adventure epic serial novel with a supernatural twist Lady Wynwood’s Spies series, volume 1 She met him again by shooting him. After four seasons and unmarried because she is taller than most of her dance partners, Miss Phoebe Sauber receives the shocking news that she is being callously banished from her father’s estate because he is remarrying. Feeling betrayed by her father and by God, and wanting to escape her family’s presence, she attends an archery tournament with her friends. But her perfect aim fails her, and her arrow hits a piece of paper held by Mr. Michael Coulton-Jones, whom she hasn’t seen much in society in several years. But strangely, her arrow tears a section of the paper with a partial symbol that looks eerily familiar to her. He met her again while searching for a killer. Michael had quit his wor...

Celebration Lit blog tour day 4

Lady Wynwood's Spies, volume 1: Archer is going on a blog tour with Celebration Lit! The tour is from February 15th through the 28th, so be sure to visit all the tour stops. Also enter the giveaway for a 1-year subscription to Kindle Unlimited! The blog tour stops today are: Through the Fire Blogs Mia Reads Sara Jane Jacobs

Celebration Lit blog tour day 3

Lady Wynwood's Spies, volume 1: Archer is going on a blog tour with Celebration Lit! The tour is from February 15th through the 28th, so be sure to visit all the tour stops. Also enter the giveaway for a 1-year subscription to Kindle Unlimited! The blog tour stops today are: Artistic Nobody (Guest Review from Joni Truex) Inside the Wong Mind Note from Camy: Please visit Kim’s blog! I remember when she first reviewed my Protection for Hire series!

How can I pray for you?

Photo credit: 日本語訳は下をご覧ください。 I’m still having some health issues (IBS, allergies/sinus headaches) but they’re slowly getting better. It helped that I reduced the number of hours I’m working each day so I don’t push myself too hard. The reduced hours make me feel kind of like I’m slacking off, but if it’ll help me keep working and not have a physical or mental melt down, then it’s worth it, and I have to keep reminding myself of that. Lord, thank You for Your abundant grace that enables us to accomplish what You want us to do. Help us to focus our efforts on obeying You and submitting to Your wondrous purpose. Amen How can I pray for you today? Please leave me your prayer requests! Prayer requests can sometimes be private things, so to keep your privacy, I’ve made a form you can fill out that will keep your requests just between you and me. Also please be sure to fill out the form again to update me if you sent me a prayer request in the past. I’...

Celebration Lit blog tour day 2

Lady Wynwood's Spies, volume 1: Archer is going on a blog tour with Celebration Lit! The tour is from February 15th through the 28th, so be sure to visit all the tour stops. Also enter the giveaway for a 1-year subscription to Kindle Unlimited! The blog tour stops today are: Hebrews 12 Endurance Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews

Celebration Lit blog tour day 1

Lady Wynwood's Spies, volume 1: Archer is going on a blog tour with Celebration Lit! The tour is from February 15th through the 28th, so be sure to visit all the tour stops. Also enter the giveaway for a 1-year subscription to Kindle Unlimited! The blog tour stops today are: Locks, Hooks and Books CarpeDiem

Tea for Today - Christmas by @AdagioTeas #myadagio

I know it’s a little weird to be drinking Christmas in February, but today’s tea was Christmas by From the website: The tea to get you into the holiday spirit! This blend of bright, tangy Ceylon black tea flavored with warm cinnamon, pungent cloves, and orange peels is a Christmas delight. Spicy and fresh aroma, outdoorsy and cozy, with a balanced tangy flavor and a slightly sweet finish. Perfect to sip while decking the halls, being jolly, or dreaming of a white Christmas. Black Tea | High caffeine | Steep at 212° for 3 minutes. Wow! While steeping, the orange ginger cinnamon smell was fantastic! However, it didn’t taste quite as good as it smelled. The black tea flavor was strong but the cinnamon and orange and ginger flavors were weaker than I would have liked. It’s still a really delicious cup of black tea, I just had to adjust my expectations for less flavorings.

Interview and giveaway with The Artist Librarian!

I’ve known the Artist Librarian for years online (and she has the most AWESOME cosplay! Be sure to follow her Instagram !). I’m really honored by the interview with me that she’s posted on her blog! She’s also running a giveaway for an ebook copy of Lady Wynwood’s Spies, volume 1: Archer ! Click here for the interview and giveaway!

Tea for Today - White Pear by @AdagioTeas #myadagio

Happy Valentine’s Day! I didn’t have a love-themed tea, but I tried White Pear by today. From the website: Premium white tea from Fujian region of China infused with the taste of ripe pears. Warm and sugary aroma, like a freshly baked pear, with a pear skin crisp finish. Wonderfully smooth and rounded, perfect hot or iced. White Tea | Low caffeine | Steep at 180° for 3 minutes. Such a sweet, light scent as soon as I opened the bag! There was a stronger white tea scent while it was steeping. When I tasted it, the pear flavor was stronger than the white tea flavor, which I don’t mind at all. A very nice delicate cup of tea.

Slow Down Saturday - Isaiah 40:8

I hope you all are having a nice, relaxing Saturday! This week has been a bit stressful for me due to some personal things, so I’m writing this to remind myself to take things easy today. I’m the kind of person who will worry about all the things I want to get done, and I need to just give it up to the Lord and stop spending brain time on these things. What are you doing to relax today?