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Showing posts from July, 2023

What I'm writing in YEAR OF THE DOG

I just finished writing Year of the Dog ! It had a massive plot hole that I had to fix which turned out to be more work than I expected. Here’s a snippet: “Hey, Auntie Nell.” He wrapped his arms around her, bussing her on the cheek and breathing in pikake flowers and shortbread cookies. And suddenly he was nine years old again, and her solid presence had made his chaotic world stable once more. “What are you doing here?” He usually took her to dinner on Wednesday nights, but today was Tuesday. The edges of her smile faltered a little before brightening right back up again. “What, I can’t visit my nephew?” She angled around him to enter his home. “Is this your new house? Looks lovely.” Which was a blatant lie, because the fixer-upper was barely livable, much less acceptable to a neat-freak like his aunt. She also left four matching pink and purple floral suitcases on the stoop behind her. Only then did Ashwin notice the cab driver standing slightly to the side of the walkway. “Can ...

Please review Weddings and Wasabi on Goodreads

If you enjoyed Weddings and Wasabi please leave a review on Goodreads so you can let other readers know what you thought about it. Thank you!

Recommend a book

Accel World by Reki Kawahara I’m re-reading this light novel series since the next volume comes out next month. The same author wrote the series Sword Art Online , and even though I like that series a lot, I didn’t immediately start reading this one because the hero didn’t sound all that interesting. But one day after devouring the latest Sword Art Online volume and needing to wait for the next installment, I decided to start on Accel World since I enjoy the author’s writing style. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the hero was absolutely adorable! He’s incredibly kind and brave despite his low self-esteem, and he has a very positive mentality that makes him admirable. I gobbled this series up. I wish the author would write in this series faster than he does. (There is some cussing in this series.) Is there a book you enjoyed reading recently?

James 4:17

Dear Lord, Thank You for forgiving us of our sins with the sacrifice of Your son on the cross. Thank You also for reminding us to follow You and Your will—so that we can be better people, so that we can treat others with love and respect, so that we can give You glory with our actions. Help us to cling to what is good and right and to do those things in order to please You, in order to be holy. Help us each to become a child You can be proud of, and help us to trust You to watch over and protect us no matter what happens. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 親愛なる主よ、 十字架上の御子の犠牲によって、私たちの罪を赦してくださり、ありがとうございます。また、私たちがより良い人間になれるように、愛と尊敬をもって他者に接することができるように、私たちの行動によってあなたに栄光を帰することができるように、あなたとあなたの御心に従うように私たちに気づかせてくださりありがとうございます。私たちが良いこと、正しいことに執着し、あなたを喜ばせるために、聖なる者となるために、それらのことを行うことができるように助けてください。私たち一人一人が、あなたに誇りに思っていただけるような子どもになれるように、そして、何が起ころうとも、あなたが私たちを見守って守ってくださることを信じられるように助けてください。 イエスの御名によって、アーメン。

Keriah's Narrow Crescent Scarf

In my series Lady Wynwood’s Spies, my character Keriah is more emotional than her friend Phoebe, and so when writing about her in Lady Wynwood’s Spies, volume 6: Martyr , naturally I described her scarf as having more lively colors than the greens and blues that Phoebe favors. I didn’t really have a particular yarn colorway in mind when I wrote the scene, but when looking through my stash to knit her scarf, I found the Carnival colorway in Knit Picks Chroma Twist Fingering, and it was absolutely perfect for her. Chroma Twist Fingering is discontinued, but you could knit this in Chroma Fingering or any other color-transitional yarn. In the Regency era, a tri-color 3-ply yarn like Chroma Twist Fingering would probably not have been sold in shops, but it also may not have been completely unheard of. It is made by simply dying the wool rather than the finished yarn, and then the dyed wool would be split into 3 parts and each part spun into a single ply, before all three plies...

Quiz Questions from Lady Wynwood's Spies #6

When Lady Wynwood’s Spies, volume 6: Martyr released, I posted 5 snippets and quiz questions from the book here on my blog. I also gave a little commentary on each snippet. Here are links to all five snippets: Quiz question 1 Quiz question 2 Quiz question 3 Quiz question 4 Quiz question 5 How did you do on the quiz questions?

Please review Lady Wynwood's Spies 1 on Amazon

If you have time, I would greatly appreciate it if you’d write a review of Lady Wynwood’s Spies, volume 1: Archer on Amazon! Doesn’t have to be five stars—just be honest with how you liked it. Thank you very much!

Happy Independence Day!


「ひとり寿司」をブログに連載します! ひとり寿司 寿司シリーズの第一作 キャミー・タング 西島美幸 訳 スポーツ狂のレックス・坂井 —— いとこのマリコが数ヶ月後に結婚することにより、「いとこの中で一番年上の独身女性」という内輪の肩書を「勝ち取る」ことについては、あまり気にしていない。コントロールフリークの祖母を無視するのは容易だ —— しかし、祖母は最終通告を出した —— マリコの結婚式までにデート相手を見つけなければ、無慈悲な祖母は、レックスがコーチをしている女子バレーボールチームへの資金供給を切ると言う。 ダグアウトにいる選手全員とデートに出かけるほど絶望的なわけではない。レックスは、バイブルスタディで読んだ「エペソの手紙」をもとに「最高の男性」の条件の厳しいリストを作った。バレーボールではいつも勝つ —— ゲームを有利に進めれば、必ず成功するはずだ。 そのとき兄は、クリスチャンではなく、アスリートでもなく、一見何の魅力もないエイデンを彼女に引き合わせる。 エイデンは、クリスチャンではないという理由で離れていったトリッシュという女の子から受けた痛手から立ち直ろうとしている。そして、レックスが(1)彼に全く興味がないこと、(2)クリスチャンであること、(3)トリッシュのいとこであることを知る。あの狂った家族とまた付き合うのはごめんだ。まして、偽善的なクリスチャンの女の子など、お断り。彼はマゾヒストじゃない。 レックスは時間がなくなってきた。いくら頑張っても、いい人は現れない。それに、どこへ行ってもエイデンに遭遇する。あのリストはどんどん長くなっていくばかり —— 過去に掲載済みのストーリーのリンクはこちらです。 *** ********** 「やってみよう」 「ダメよ、バレるわ」 しかしエイデンは、大広間の一番すみっこでチヤホヤされている祖母の方へまっすぐ進んだ。 「どうせだから、やってみようよ。それに、君のお父さんもいるから、力になってくれるさ」 「エイデン!」レックスは怒りながら、松葉杖を持って、彼の後をヨタヨタとついていった。 彼は、肩越しに彼女を見た。「行くよ」 レックスは、部屋の向こう側にいるトリッシュと目を合わせ、(すぐこっちに来て)という顔をした。トリッシュは、ビーナス...