I just finished writing Year of the Dog ! It had a massive plot hole that I had to fix which turned out to be more work than I expected. Here’s a snippet: “Hey, Auntie Nell.” He wrapped his arms around her, bussing her on the cheek and breathing in pikake flowers and shortbread cookies. And suddenly he was nine years old again, and her solid presence had made his chaotic world stable once more. “What are you doing here?” He usually took her to dinner on Wednesday nights, but today was Tuesday. The edges of her smile faltered a little before brightening right back up again. “What, I can’t visit my nephew?” She angled around him to enter his home. “Is this your new house? Looks lovely.” Which was a blatant lie, because the fixer-upper was barely livable, much less acceptable to a neat-freak like his aunt. She also left four matching pink and purple floral suitcases on the stoop behind her. Only then did Ashwin notice the cab driver standing slightly to the side of the walkway. “Can ...
Captain's Log, Stardate 08.20.2007
Today I have an interview with Sandra Glahn about her two new books from her Coffee Cup Bible study series, Premium Roast with Ruth and Cappuccino with Colossians!
All the Coffee Cup Bible Studies books contain Monday-through-Friday Bible study questions, along with devotional thoughts for lighter reading on the weekends. Designed for group or individual study.
Premium Roast with Ruth
A “nobody” kind of girl, Ruth is born in the wrong place—Moab. She marries an Israelite at the wrong time—when his nation is experiencing a famine. And she ends up in the wrong circumstances—her husband dies leaving her childless with no Social Security or unemployment insurance. Yet miraculously, this humble widow ends up as the right person in the right place at the right time. After accompanying her bitter, thankless mother-in-law to far-away Bethlehem, Ruth marries a much older man—a relative of her deceased husband. Why? So her mother-in-law can eat. And in the end this selfless act means Ruth’s progeny include Israel’s King David and ultimately the King of Kings Himself. Why? Anything can happen when we choose to follow the one true God and trust in Him.
Premium Roast with Ruth, a Coffee Cup Bible Study, considers one of the two great women for whom a book of the Bible is named. Designed for group or individual study, this Bible study demonstrates how God is in control; how He always keeps His promises; how He can reverse impossible circumstances; and how He blesses the faithful more richly and for longer than they could ever imagine.
Cappuccino with Colossians
Who does the Bible say Jesus is? Human? God? Both? Many have tried to rework His identity, insisting that He walked on ice, not water; that He was married to Mary Magdalene; that He was in cahoots with, not betrayed by, Judas; and that He didn’t take on human flesh—He was only a spirit. These ideas are nothing new—they’re simply old deceptions repackaged. First-century believers in Colossae had challenges of their own from those who held to early forms of Gnosticism. Through his letter to them, the apostle Paul helps the Colossians—and consequently us—to see Christ in His true glory as firstborn, as master, as Lord, and as God.
In Cappuccino with Colossians, a Coffee Cup Bible Study, you’ll encounter in the humble Son the God who created all things and through whom all things hold together—from the vastest galaxy to our very lives. This and each book in the series contains Monday-through-Friday Bible study questions along with application-oriented devotionals for lighter reading on the weekends. Designed for group or individual study, Cappuccino with the Colossians sets the stage for exciting, faith-stretching interaction with God’s Word—both the written one and the One made flesh.
And now, here’s me and Sandra!
It's another Coffee Cup Bible study! How did you decide on Colossians and Ruth?
Colossians--because the identity of Jesus is under attack more than ever. Was he God? A man? Both? What does the Bible say? Colossians answers that question. So at a time when people constantly question the identity of the historical Jesus, I wanted to help readers get a good grasp on what the Bible says about the deity and humanity of Jesus Christ.
Ruth--because her story helps readers recognize that in an unjust world God is still in control and calls them to self-sacrifice for others needing justice and mercy. Particularly in America we need this reminder. We may not consider ourselves rich, but the Bible describes the wealthy as having a change of clothing (having something to wear when we wash our clothes) and food for the next meal without having to earn it first. That description is still true if we consider poverty and wealth worldwide. Ruth's story is also a story about migration/immigration, a topic in the headlines. God has a special place in his heart for the resident alien and he has something to say on the issue.
I love how these Bible studies can be done by busy women on the go, whether single career women or overworked moms. How did you come up with this neat concept?
Do you ever feel like you spend much of your life in waiting rooms? Double that time for each child if you're a mom. Dentist appointments, eye appointments, back-to-school check-ups, getting the oil changed... Often as I'd sit reading People, I'd think, "I could do my Bible study right now if only I didn't have to carry a Bible and a commentary and my workbook!" So I wanted to give women something that contained the biblical text being referenced and was small enough to fit in a purse (or diaper bag). And I chose to do weekday studies (active) and weekend devotionals (passive) because my experience teaching women's Bible studies told me women's schedules get disrupted more frequently on the weekend, so it's tougher to carve out that time in God's word.
Any other Coffee Cup Bible studies on the horizon?
We're at the "toss around ideas stage." I'm sort of partial to Kona with Jonah. The concept of a guy not wanting to share the gospel with murderous Iraqis who might repent (and thus get spared) seems timely, eh?
You know (or you might not know) that my husband is a coffee geek--er, coffee connoisseur, and by osmosis, I've absorbed info on all kinds of coffee trivia and coffee drinks. If you were a coffee drink, what would you be and why?
That's easy. Mocha. There's nothing in the universe that a little chocolate can't improve.
What is your favorite dessert/snack to have with your coffee?
Three-layer chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. Seeing a theme here?
Any favorite coffee shops you like to frequent, and how many times have they threatened to toss you out for staying too long? (or does that only happen to me?)
Now that I'm a mom, I try to get home in time to kiss our girl goodnight. But I did stay until near-closing at a local Starbucks with two grad-school girlfriends last month. My fave, though, is Main Street Coffee in Mesquite, Texas. I always prefer a privately owned place to a chain. They have games and books on the shelves, which pretty much screams, "Feel free to hang out."
You're off the hotseat! Any parting words?
Fall's coming. For many of us that means the kids go back to school and the routine recovers a bit. So even if you don't get one of these Bible studies, now's a great time to choose a Bible study. If it's with a group, all the better. It's easier to make soul-time a priority when we've planned ahead. :)
Camy here: Good reminder! Thanks for being here with me, Sandra!
Today I have an interview with Sandra Glahn about her two new books from her Coffee Cup Bible study series, Premium Roast with Ruth and Cappuccino with Colossians!
All the Coffee Cup Bible Studies books contain Monday-through-Friday Bible study questions, along with devotional thoughts for lighter reading on the weekends. Designed for group or individual study.

A “nobody” kind of girl, Ruth is born in the wrong place—Moab. She marries an Israelite at the wrong time—when his nation is experiencing a famine. And she ends up in the wrong circumstances—her husband dies leaving her childless with no Social Security or unemployment insurance. Yet miraculously, this humble widow ends up as the right person in the right place at the right time. After accompanying her bitter, thankless mother-in-law to far-away Bethlehem, Ruth marries a much older man—a relative of her deceased husband. Why? So her mother-in-law can eat. And in the end this selfless act means Ruth’s progeny include Israel’s King David and ultimately the King of Kings Himself. Why? Anything can happen when we choose to follow the one true God and trust in Him.
Premium Roast with Ruth, a Coffee Cup Bible Study, considers one of the two great women for whom a book of the Bible is named. Designed for group or individual study, this Bible study demonstrates how God is in control; how He always keeps His promises; how He can reverse impossible circumstances; and how He blesses the faithful more richly and for longer than they could ever imagine.

Who does the Bible say Jesus is? Human? God? Both? Many have tried to rework His identity, insisting that He walked on ice, not water; that He was married to Mary Magdalene; that He was in cahoots with, not betrayed by, Judas; and that He didn’t take on human flesh—He was only a spirit. These ideas are nothing new—they’re simply old deceptions repackaged. First-century believers in Colossae had challenges of their own from those who held to early forms of Gnosticism. Through his letter to them, the apostle Paul helps the Colossians—and consequently us—to see Christ in His true glory as firstborn, as master, as Lord, and as God.
In Cappuccino with Colossians, a Coffee Cup Bible Study, you’ll encounter in the humble Son the God who created all things and through whom all things hold together—from the vastest galaxy to our very lives. This and each book in the series contains Monday-through-Friday Bible study questions along with application-oriented devotionals for lighter reading on the weekends. Designed for group or individual study, Cappuccino with the Colossians sets the stage for exciting, faith-stretching interaction with God’s Word—both the written one and the One made flesh.
And now, here’s me and Sandra!
It's another Coffee Cup Bible study! How did you decide on Colossians and Ruth?
Colossians--because the identity of Jesus is under attack more than ever. Was he God? A man? Both? What does the Bible say? Colossians answers that question. So at a time when people constantly question the identity of the historical Jesus, I wanted to help readers get a good grasp on what the Bible says about the deity and humanity of Jesus Christ.
Ruth--because her story helps readers recognize that in an unjust world God is still in control and calls them to self-sacrifice for others needing justice and mercy. Particularly in America we need this reminder. We may not consider ourselves rich, but the Bible describes the wealthy as having a change of clothing (having something to wear when we wash our clothes) and food for the next meal without having to earn it first. That description is still true if we consider poverty and wealth worldwide. Ruth's story is also a story about migration/immigration, a topic in the headlines. God has a special place in his heart for the resident alien and he has something to say on the issue.
I love how these Bible studies can be done by busy women on the go, whether single career women or overworked moms. How did you come up with this neat concept?
Do you ever feel like you spend much of your life in waiting rooms? Double that time for each child if you're a mom. Dentist appointments, eye appointments, back-to-school check-ups, getting the oil changed... Often as I'd sit reading People, I'd think, "I could do my Bible study right now if only I didn't have to carry a Bible and a commentary and my workbook!" So I wanted to give women something that contained the biblical text being referenced and was small enough to fit in a purse (or diaper bag). And I chose to do weekday studies (active) and weekend devotionals (passive) because my experience teaching women's Bible studies told me women's schedules get disrupted more frequently on the weekend, so it's tougher to carve out that time in God's word.
Any other Coffee Cup Bible studies on the horizon?
We're at the "toss around ideas stage." I'm sort of partial to Kona with Jonah. The concept of a guy not wanting to share the gospel with murderous Iraqis who might repent (and thus get spared) seems timely, eh?
You know (or you might not know) that my husband is a coffee geek--er, coffee connoisseur, and by osmosis, I've absorbed info on all kinds of coffee trivia and coffee drinks. If you were a coffee drink, what would you be and why?
That's easy. Mocha. There's nothing in the universe that a little chocolate can't improve.
What is your favorite dessert/snack to have with your coffee?
Three-layer chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. Seeing a theme here?
Any favorite coffee shops you like to frequent, and how many times have they threatened to toss you out for staying too long? (or does that only happen to me?)
Now that I'm a mom, I try to get home in time to kiss our girl goodnight. But I did stay until near-closing at a local Starbucks with two grad-school girlfriends last month. My fave, though, is Main Street Coffee in Mesquite, Texas. I always prefer a privately owned place to a chain. They have games and books on the shelves, which pretty much screams, "Feel free to hang out."
You're off the hotseat! Any parting words?
Fall's coming. For many of us that means the kids go back to school and the routine recovers a bit. So even if you don't get one of these Bible studies, now's a great time to choose a Bible study. If it's with a group, all the better. It's easier to make soul-time a priority when we've planned ahead. :)
Camy here: Good reminder! Thanks for being here with me, Sandra!