I just finished writing Year of the Dog ! It had a massive plot hole that I had to fix which turned out to be more work than I expected. Here’s a snippet: “Hey, Auntie Nell.” He wrapped his arms around her, bussing her on the cheek and breathing in pikake flowers and shortbread cookies. And suddenly he was nine years old again, and her solid presence had made his chaotic world stable once more. “What are you doing here?” He usually took her to dinner on Wednesday nights, but today was Tuesday. The edges of her smile faltered a little before brightening right back up again. “What, I can’t visit my nephew?” She angled around him to enter his home. “Is this your new house? Looks lovely.” Which was a blatant lie, because the fixer-upper was barely livable, much less acceptable to a neat-freak like his aunt. She also left four matching pink and purple floral suitcases on the stoop behind her. Only then did Ashwin notice the cab driver standing slightly to the side of the walkway. “Can ...
Captain’s Log, Stardate 02.15.2007
Today, I have an interview with one of the funnest people I know, Jenn Doucette!
Two of Jenn's books are:
Mama Said There'd Be Days Like This: Refreshing Rest Stops for Moms on the Run
Mothers often feel they are running as fast as they can to keep up or to stay just ahead of those who want a piece of their time, energy, and self. Author, speaker, and mother Jenn Doucette offers a humorous and insightful look at how every mom on the run can head for much–needed rest stops by:
* experiencing girl time
* choosing contentment
* setting boundaries and achieve freedom
* getting a grip on emotions
* giving themselves a break
With comedic flair, Doucette confesses to her own failings as well as God’s successes in the face of them, reminding mothers that it is healthy to laugh, take a break, and practice grace.
The Velveteen Mommy - Laughter and Tears from the Toy Box Years
As a stay-at-home mom, Jenn Doucette enjoys the smallest excuse to get away from her beloved duties, even for an hour. She calls it "running away from home to find my marbles." Just about the time she threatens to superglue her kids' shoes to their perpetually sockless feet, she gets booted out of the house to find her marbles -- maybe to meet a friend at a coffee shop, browse at her favorite bookstore, or find restoration at a church retreat.
Whether you're a mom of toddlers or teens, you can probably identify. If you need a little change of pace, some comforting conversation, a sympathetic shoulder for a tear or two, and lots of laughter to lighten your load, you'll find it all within the covers of this book. The Velveteen Mommy can help every mother become Real again.
Camy here: Sounds like books I need, and I don’t even have kids!
And now, it’s the Jenn and Camy show!
Tell us about your new book and what inspired you to write it.
My next book is called Mama Said There’d Be Days Like This and released February 1st 2007 from Harvest House Publishers. I like to encourage other mothers who are knee-deep in the trenches of parenthood with hope, humor, and good clean fun (we moms have an obsession for anything clean . . . maybe because then WE don’t have to clean it!) Inspirations for this project are currently upstairs sleeping in their beds (or more likely sneaking in a few more minutes on their GameBoys). My sweet children are 11, 10, and 7 years old. I’m not telling you how old I am.
How is Mama Said different from The Velveteen Mommy?
My first book, The Velveteen Mommy, delves a bit more into the spiritual side of things. Don’t get me wrong, it’s dang funny, but I use a lot of Biblical parallels throughout. I had fun comparing aspects of motherhood to, for example, the full armor of God and baseball equipment. Like I said, it’s dang funny. The primary focus is the pain of motherhood, the difficulties and challenges.
Mama Said is also written from a Christian perspective, but it’s got a bit more practicality to it. I include timely tips, survival strategies, and rest stops to refuel. It’s written primarily with the busyness of motherhood in mind; it’s got “Soccer Mom” written all over it.
Tell us about DAISY ministries.
My writing career actually began as a speaking career. I started out six years ago speaking to local moms groups who were desperate for any kind of entertainment (that’s kind of redundant, really. All mom groups, by definition, are desperate for any kind of entertainment). So I took my show on the road, told stories, made moms laugh, and then decided to write it all down for posterity. In order to combine the two ministries (writing and speaking), I developed the tag line: “Life is like a daisy: sweet and stinky in the same sniff!” D.A.I.S.Y. stands for: helping women Discover, Anticipate, Identify, and Seek after Yahweh, God.
So you own four chickens? For eggs, as pets, or for the stewpot? (I've actually heard from my friend Shelley Bates that chickens are very affectionate, and probably less buttheaded than my dog)
Newsflash: three more chickens died recently (those buggers are tougher than goldfish to keep alive). We use them for eggs, but I’ve got kind of a soft spot for them. The lone surviving chicken is my favorite, it’s really sweet. But she’s limping and I do believe her days are numbered. Sniff. Make no mistake, however, chickens are FAR MORE buttheaded than any dog. Trust me. And I’m a cat person.
So you're working on a novel...can you tell us anything about it or is it top secret?
I don’t have the self-control to keep secrets! Here’s my work in progress in a cute little nutshell:
Mission-bound Mia Tredway becomes the unwelcome beneficiary of a deceased client’s millions. And her kids. While she navigates through instant motherhood, Mia must decide whether to sacrifice the wilds of Africa for the wilds of the upper class. The thing is, why would God give her such a love for the African people and a willingness to sacrifice the material comforts of America, if His plan involved sending her to live among the spoiled, rich, and famous?
That sounds so great! Publish it soon, okay? Okay.
If you were a hot drink, what would you be and why?
Cool question. I feel like I’m at a slumber party.
Strong, caffeinated, opinionated coffee with just a touch of milk to sweeten me up for consumption. I tend to come across a little . . .ahem . . . strong. I’ve got a fiery temper, and I’m passionate about, well, most things. Jesus is my creamer and sugar rolled into one. He’s softening me, smoothing over those rough edges, and showing me I’m special because I’m strong coffee! For too many years I tried to pass myself off as sweet tea, thinking that would make people love me more. But we can’t all be tea – what’s the fun in that?
You don’t come across strong at all.........
If you were a children's book, what would you be and why?
This is fun, pass the popcorn.
I’m glad you asked. I think I’d be The Velveteen Rabbit. I’m learning that it’s the tough times, those times that rub off our fur and pluck out our stuffing that bring us closer to God and closer to our families. It hurts sometimes to love and be loved. But boy oh boy is it worth it.
You know, someone should write a book about the comparison between being a mom and being the velveteen rabbit. Oh that’s right – I DID. Heh heh.
Do you have any weird hobbies or interests?
I’m a writer, doesn’t that count? Sadly enough, I’m a really boring person. I love to read. I mean I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read. It’s a sickness, actually. Other interests (when I run out of books) include: learning to play the guitar, watching movies (I’m big into the chick flick scene), hanging out with my cat, playing with my kiddos, playing tennis, and shopping. I love to shop almost as much as I love to read. So I guess absolute NIRVANA for me would be shopping for books while drinking strong coffee. Yep.
That sounds like Nirvana to me, too!
You're off the hotseat! Any parting shots--er, words?
Camy, you’re the best! I knew when we crossed paths briefly at Mount Hermon I’d found another kindred spirit – keep up the good work, girlfriend!
Camy here: Aw, thanks, Jenn!
Today, I have an interview with one of the funnest people I know, Jenn Doucette!
Two of Jenn's books are:

Mothers often feel they are running as fast as they can to keep up or to stay just ahead of those who want a piece of their time, energy, and self. Author, speaker, and mother Jenn Doucette offers a humorous and insightful look at how every mom on the run can head for much–needed rest stops by:
* experiencing girl time
* choosing contentment
* setting boundaries and achieve freedom
* getting a grip on emotions
* giving themselves a break
With comedic flair, Doucette confesses to her own failings as well as God’s successes in the face of them, reminding mothers that it is healthy to laugh, take a break, and practice grace.
As a stay-at-home mom, Jenn Doucette enjoys the smallest excuse to get away from her beloved duties, even for an hour. She calls it "running away from home to find my marbles." Just about the time she threatens to superglue her kids' shoes to their perpetually sockless feet, she gets booted out of the house to find her marbles -- maybe to meet a friend at a coffee shop, browse at her favorite bookstore, or find restoration at a church retreat.
Whether you're a mom of toddlers or teens, you can probably identify. If you need a little change of pace, some comforting conversation, a sympathetic shoulder for a tear or two, and lots of laughter to lighten your load, you'll find it all within the covers of this book. The Velveteen Mommy can help every mother become Real again.
Camy here: Sounds like books I need, and I don’t even have kids!

Tell us about your new book and what inspired you to write it.
My next book is called Mama Said There’d Be Days Like This and released February 1st 2007 from Harvest House Publishers. I like to encourage other mothers who are knee-deep in the trenches of parenthood with hope, humor, and good clean fun (we moms have an obsession for anything clean . . . maybe because then WE don’t have to clean it!) Inspirations for this project are currently upstairs sleeping in their beds (or more likely sneaking in a few more minutes on their GameBoys). My sweet children are 11, 10, and 7 years old. I’m not telling you how old I am.
How is Mama Said different from The Velveteen Mommy?
My first book, The Velveteen Mommy, delves a bit more into the spiritual side of things. Don’t get me wrong, it’s dang funny, but I use a lot of Biblical parallels throughout. I had fun comparing aspects of motherhood to, for example, the full armor of God and baseball equipment. Like I said, it’s dang funny. The primary focus is the pain of motherhood, the difficulties and challenges.
Mama Said is also written from a Christian perspective, but it’s got a bit more practicality to it. I include timely tips, survival strategies, and rest stops to refuel. It’s written primarily with the busyness of motherhood in mind; it’s got “Soccer Mom” written all over it.
Tell us about DAISY ministries.
My writing career actually began as a speaking career. I started out six years ago speaking to local moms groups who were desperate for any kind of entertainment (that’s kind of redundant, really. All mom groups, by definition, are desperate for any kind of entertainment). So I took my show on the road, told stories, made moms laugh, and then decided to write it all down for posterity. In order to combine the two ministries (writing and speaking), I developed the tag line: “Life is like a daisy: sweet and stinky in the same sniff!” D.A.I.S.Y. stands for: helping women Discover, Anticipate, Identify, and Seek after Yahweh, God.
So you own four chickens? For eggs, as pets, or for the stewpot? (I've actually heard from my friend Shelley Bates that chickens are very affectionate, and probably less buttheaded than my dog)
Newsflash: three more chickens died recently (those buggers are tougher than goldfish to keep alive). We use them for eggs, but I’ve got kind of a soft spot for them. The lone surviving chicken is my favorite, it’s really sweet. But she’s limping and I do believe her days are numbered. Sniff. Make no mistake, however, chickens are FAR MORE buttheaded than any dog. Trust me. And I’m a cat person.
So you're working on a novel...can you tell us anything about it or is it top secret?
I don’t have the self-control to keep secrets! Here’s my work in progress in a cute little nutshell:
Mission-bound Mia Tredway becomes the unwelcome beneficiary of a deceased client’s millions. And her kids. While she navigates through instant motherhood, Mia must decide whether to sacrifice the wilds of Africa for the wilds of the upper class. The thing is, why would God give her such a love for the African people and a willingness to sacrifice the material comforts of America, if His plan involved sending her to live among the spoiled, rich, and famous?
That sounds so great! Publish it soon, okay? Okay.
If you were a hot drink, what would you be and why?
Cool question. I feel like I’m at a slumber party.
Strong, caffeinated, opinionated coffee with just a touch of milk to sweeten me up for consumption. I tend to come across a little . . .ahem . . . strong. I’ve got a fiery temper, and I’m passionate about, well, most things. Jesus is my creamer and sugar rolled into one. He’s softening me, smoothing over those rough edges, and showing me I’m special because I’m strong coffee! For too many years I tried to pass myself off as sweet tea, thinking that would make people love me more. But we can’t all be tea – what’s the fun in that?
You don’t come across strong at all.........
If you were a children's book, what would you be and why?
This is fun, pass the popcorn.
I’m glad you asked. I think I’d be The Velveteen Rabbit. I’m learning that it’s the tough times, those times that rub off our fur and pluck out our stuffing that bring us closer to God and closer to our families. It hurts sometimes to love and be loved. But boy oh boy is it worth it.
You know, someone should write a book about the comparison between being a mom and being the velveteen rabbit. Oh that’s right – I DID. Heh heh.
Do you have any weird hobbies or interests?
I’m a writer, doesn’t that count? Sadly enough, I’m a really boring person. I love to read. I mean I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read. It’s a sickness, actually. Other interests (when I run out of books) include: learning to play the guitar, watching movies (I’m big into the chick flick scene), hanging out with my cat, playing with my kiddos, playing tennis, and shopping. I love to shop almost as much as I love to read. So I guess absolute NIRVANA for me would be shopping for books while drinking strong coffee. Yep.
That sounds like Nirvana to me, too!
You're off the hotseat! Any parting shots--er, words?
Camy, you’re the best! I knew when we crossed paths briefly at Mount Hermon I’d found another kindred spirit – keep up the good work, girlfriend!
Camy here: Aw, thanks, Jenn!