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Lady Wynwood #7 early release Kickstarter

I worked on my first Kickstarter and it got approved! It’s for the Special Edition Hardcover of Lady Wynwood’s Spies, volume 1: Archer and the release of Lady Wynwood’s Spies, volume 7: Spinster. I contacted my graphic designer about the Special Edition Hardcover of vol. 1: Archer—it’s going to be SO beautiful! The Kickstarter focuses on the Special Edition Hardcover, but it’ll also include vol. 7: Spinster so that it’ll sort of be like a launch day for vol. 7, too. A third special thing that’ll be in the Kickstarter is Special Edition Paperbacks of all the books in the series. They won’t be available in stores, just in the Kickstarter (and later, from my website, and also in my Patreon book box tiers if I decide to do them). The Kickstarter is not live yet, but you can follow it to be alerted when it has launched. (You may need to create a free Kickstarter account.) Follow Camy’s Kickstarter

The Constant Gardener

Captain's Log, Stardate 06.09.2006

Blog book giveaway:
My Monday book giveaway is THE SECRET LIFE OF BECKY MILLER by Sharon Hinck.
My Thursday book giveaway is A STITCH IN TIME by Allison Bottke.
You can still enter both giveaways. Just post a comment on each of those blog posts. On Thursday, I'll draw the winner for THE SECRET LIFE OF BECKY MILLER and post the title for another book I'm giving away. Stay tuned.

Gorgeous Ralph Fiennes: Just saw the movie The Constant Gardener via Netflix (looooooove Netflix!). First off, I totally didn’t get the title. So he’s a gardener. What did that have to do with the storyline? Probably some esoteric, philosophical metaphor that flew right over my head.

Second, I got a bad case of motion sickness while watching this movie. Did they really need all that live motion camera action? I missed the last quarter of the movie because I kept my eyes closed. It wasn't even very much action at all. It was more of an artsy directorial choice.

It was described as an intrigue thriller. Where was the thrill? It started and progressed more like an artistic film. I thought John Le Carre wrote thrillers?

And I really don’t know why I watched until the end. Probably because I was cold and it was warm sitting on the couch with my husband, and I was too lazy to move to turn it off.

Let me say, I’m glad it was a Netflix.

The acting was good. I mean, I'm not a professional movie critic, but I thought the actors were great.

I just don’t like artsy films. Give me an action film any day. Guns and explosions, baby.

Or the British-filmed Jane Austen movies (that one’s for you, Ruth).

Or a chick-lit (I really loved the ABC Family movie See Jane Date, based on Melissa Senate’s book).

Pardon me while I go take a Dramamine for my poor stomach.

People say the nicest things! Here's a couple huge cyber-smoochies for Mir and Squirl for saying such wonderful things about my critique service, The Story Sensei.

I'm still open for business! I do large-scale structural and substantive critiques of storylines and character arcs based on synopses. I point out structural weaknesses that might concern an editor and areas that might need a little more character development to boost your characterization to diamond-brilliance.

Other freelance editors will give you this kind of substantive feedback after reading your entire manuscript and charging per page, but I can give you quick and easy feedback from your synopsis, charging a lot less. Check out my Story Sensei website for more information.


Sore throat: So Dineen gave me this cold, but I've been discovering that a great soother for my scratchy throat is Oolong tea with honey. I think the honey coats my throat somehow. Not sure. Anyway, it helps me sleep better at night.

Writing: Today I cleared my wall of all the post-its from my last manuscript and I'm ready to brainstorm a little more on the next one. My wall is not the smoothest place for post-its--they keep falling down--so I'm thinking of attaching a grid of thin masking tape to help hold my ideas. Wonder if it'll peel the paint off? Well, if it does, that's just an excuse to finally paint my walls the PINK I want to color it. :)


Catherine West said…
Camy!!! You didn't LOVE that movie??!
Oh yeah, you write chick lit, I forgot! LOL - :0)
Yes, it was a rather artistic movie but you had to pay attention and watch the whole thing through to get it.

In my opinion, the constant gardener refers to his using gardening as his escape, unwillingness to deal with the reality of the issues going on around him.
Personally, I thought it was an awesome movie. Not a great ending though, and I'm a sucker for happy endings, so that kind of bagged it for me. But I saw it right before we went to Africa, and it made me not want to go!!
We just saw Glory Road - that's awesome, and kids can watch it too - well, I say kids, Chris is almost thirteen. It's a basketball movie.
My hubby just watched the Notebook for the first time the other night - he boo hooed. Love that movie!!
Mary DeMuth said…
I'm with you Camy. I saw the Constant Gardner in France (but thankfully in English) and didn't like the herky jerky camera movements. I did think there were some good twists, but I hate depressing movies.

And for that sore throat? Zinc lozenges all the way, baby. They're miraculous.
Ruth said…
LOL! LOVE those Jane Austen movies. You started my day with happy thoughts of Colin Firth and I appreciate that, Camy. :)

Re: your cold -- I swear by Zicam (the zinc cold therapy). For maximum results it's usually best to start it at the first sign of a cold -- but personally I've found that it helps give a good energy boost during the worst of a cold bout. That stuff is AMAZING. It's the only reason I've been able to work with colds for the past 2 years.

I have to say that I occassionally enjoy a good "artsy" movie but it has to have enough of a "hook" to keep my interest. Some of 'em are just too "out there." Speaking of the gorgeously delectable (LOL!! I thought about deleting that but what the heck) Ralph Fiennes, I LOVED The White Countess -- artsy little movie but oh so beautiful and poignant. I also liked Malick's The New World -- now THAT was an artsy movie -- most of the time no talking, just birds chirping and the occassional voiceover. But it had Christian Bale in it!! :) Which I'm sure paid a large role in saving that entire film for me...
Ronie Kendig said…
Dineen gave you her cold?? HA! That's what y'all get for slinking off to the cafe each week and getting to write...unfettered. :-D hehehehe. lol

Seriously--I hope both of you get better!! Those chest colds are AWFUL!!

Glad you're brainstorming for your next story. Woo-hoo!!
Mirtika said…
THROAT COAT TEA....get it. :)

I still have THE CONSTANT GARDENER on the floor in front of my tv. I put it on, got really pissed at the political tirade by Rachel Weisz, and turned it off.

I dunno. I'm just not in the mood for that crap right now. Maybe in a few years I'll try watching it at again. I love Ralph (sexy!) and love Rachel (gorgeous and talented), but I've been avoiding the news for a few months and realize that the whole political stuff just annoyed me too much right now, when I'm on a cable news hiatus for my mental health. :)

Loved CRASH. about moments of strange grace. The music was haunting and fit the various storylines. And a miracle (maybe?). Wow. It deserved the Oscar.

Love you, too, Camykins. I may send you my really messy synopsis and see what you can do with it.

I SOOOO hate artsy-fartsy movies! From the cover I didn't suspect the Constant Gardner would be one of them. But anything that says Sundance or Cannes I walk away from. Thanks for the warning.

And like Mir, I may send you my really messy synopsis, too. Eventually.
No, no! Not me! I didn't do it. I swear. LOL!

Sorry you're not feeling well, girlie! I promise to keep my germs to myself from now on.
Melissa said…
I feel the same way about that was quite odd.

We're Netflix-a-holics as well...I guess it's true that you can never watch too many movies or read too many books! Hee hee.

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