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Showing posts from September, 2014

What I'm writing in YEAR OF THE DOG

I just finished writing Year of the Dog ! It had a massive plot hole that I had to fix which turned out to be more work than I expected. Here’s a snippet: “Hey, Auntie Nell.” He wrapped his arms around her, bussing her on the cheek and breathing in pikake flowers and shortbread cookies. And suddenly he was nine years old again, and her solid presence had made his chaotic world stable once more. “What are you doing here?” He usually took her to dinner on Wednesday nights, but today was Tuesday. The edges of her smile faltered a little before brightening right back up again. “What, I can’t visit my nephew?” She angled around him to enter his home. “Is this your new house? Looks lovely.” Which was a blatant lie, because the fixer-upper was barely livable, much less acceptable to a neat-freak like his aunt. She also left four matching pink and purple floral suitcases on the stoop behind her. Only then did Ashwin notice the cab driver standing slightly to the side of the walkway. “Can ...

Extended excerpt for TREACHEROUS INTENT

If you haven’t read it yet, here’s an extended excerpt of the first 2 chapters of TREACHEROUS INTENT , releasing in December. It’s also posted on my website. I hope you enjoy! CHAPTER ONE Liam O’Neill frowned as he caught sight of the gray Mercedes sedan in his rearview mirror. Hadn’t he seen that car behind him several miles back, when he was driving through downtown Sonoma? He scrubbed his face with one hand as he guided his beat-up pickup truck down the country road. He was exhausted—the nightmares had been especially bad last night. His tiredness was probably making him paranoid. As a skip tracer, tracking down people who didn’t want to be found or helping people disappear, he had his share of enemies, but he’d been monitoring the cars behind him and hadn’t noticed any obvious tail. Moments later, the Mercedes turned off onto a side road. Clearly he needed more sleep. He was starting to imagine things. It had been almost eighteen months since a medical discharge had sen...

Novella collections?

I’m over at ChristiansRead asking questions about novella collections . Do you like reading them or do you prefer full length novels? What’s the last novella collection you bought? What’s the last novella collection you read?

Guest post and giveaway by Sally Bradley

Hey peeps, I’m thrilled to host Sally Bradley today! I first heard about her book, Kept , years ago when she first was writing it and thought the story premise was absolutely fascinating. It’s wonderful to see this book finally in print (and what a gorgeous cover, too!). Here’s the back cover blurb for her book: "Gutsy and fast-paced."—Laura Frantz, author of Love's Reckoning "One of the most surprising and best books I’ve read this year."—MaryLu Tyndall, best-selling author of Legacy of the King's Pirates series Life has taught Miska Tomlinson that there are no honorable men. Her womanizing brothers, her absentee father, and Mark, the married baseball player who claims to love her—all have proven undependable. But Miska has life under control. She runs her editing business from her luxury condo, stays fit with daily jogs along Chicago's lakefront, and in her free time blogs anonymously about life as a kept woman. Enter new neighbor Dillan Fost...

SUSHI FOR ONE: deleted scene chapter 24

I found another deleted scene from Sushi for One tucked away in the depths of my computer. This one was a short scene originally inserted at the beginning of Chapter 24, but it got axed since I was over word limit, and my editor pointed out it didn’t do much for the storyline. For those of you who haven’t read Sushi for One , don’t worry, this won’t ruin the book for you. For those of you who have read it, you’ll hopefully get a chuckle over some of the snarkiness that got cut from the original book. I’m also giving away the last of my author copies of Sushi for One over at Goodreads! Click here to enter (you must belong to Goodreads to enter). Ends September 20th. They got her into the apartment, and Venus went to collect the Igloo ice machine and the CPM machine. She set the CPM on the bed. “The bed’s too short.” “What do you mean?” “When you lie down, I have to move the machine here to fit under your leg.” “Yeah?” “Well, the edge of the machine is hanging over the...

Review: Evernight

Evernight by Kristen Callihan My rating: 4 of 5 stars This is my first book by this author and I was really impressed with the complexity of the story world. In a way, it reminded me of contemporary urban paranormal romance like Sherrilyn Kenyon, but steampunk, which for me was not a bad thing at all. The hero, Will, was totally hot and very sympathetic. He had a great backstory that made me like him right away. The secondary characters were numerous but interesting, and their subplot threads wove neatly into the main storyline. The plot also had a lot of twists that kept me guessing. My only problem with this book is that the heroine didn't really resonate with me. I'm not sure exactly why, and it might just be me. My recommendation would be to try this book out yourself to see how you like the heroine. There's a lot of very hot sex which is a little more graphic than, say, a Harlequin Blaze. It didn't bother me, but I thought I ought to ...

SUSHI FOR ONE: Original chapter 8

I found this yesterday and had completely forgotten about this. I had originally plotted a different set of dates for Lex in Sushi for One and one of them was Duane the Dweeb. He got combined with/switched to George in a later revision, and I rewrote their date scene, but I found the original scene tucked away in my computer. For those of you who haven’t read Sushi for One , don’t worry, this won’t ruin the book for you. For those of you who have read it, you’ll hopefully get a chuckle over some jokes I didn’t include in the chapter 8 that’s in the book. I’m also giving away the last of my author copies of Sushi for One over at Goodreads! Click here to enter (you must belong to Goodreads to enter). Ends September 20th. All she wanted to do was dump him. Lex Sakai glanced at the Mark Dacascos look-alike sitting across the table from her, pasted a long-suffering smile on her lips, and felt her lipstick crack right down the center of her bottom lip. She couldn't believe she...


I just turned in book #6 in my Sonoma series, GONE MISSING, which will be out in May 2015, but I also just got the cover art for book #5, TREACHEROUS INTENT! Isn’t it neat? In the book, the hero and heroine, Liam and Elisabeth, head to a town called Penny Bay, which I based off of Mendocino, California, one of my favorite towns to visit. Mendocino has a beautiful lighthouse on the edge of the cliff. So of course, I write about it in my book with lots of bad guys with guns. :) (Also in TREACHEROUS INTENT, readers will meet Joslyn, who has her own story in GONE MISSING next year. :) TREACHEROUS INTENT releases this December!