Captain's Log, Stardate 06.30.2005
Really, nothing much has been going on with me. Which is a good and a bad thing.
Good because there's no additional stresses in my life.
Bad because there's not much going on in my writing. Sigh. The novella is taking its time in "ripening." I wish it would hurry up.
I shouldn't speak about it in the third person. It's all me. The motivation isn't there. Maybe because work has been same-o-same-o--minor stresses and general tiredness. Or that could just be my excuse.
I am writing some, just not as much as I'd like, not as fast as I'd like. I need to get my butt in gear.
On another note, I've been listening to workshop CDs from the
Speaking of conferences, I'm going to the RWA national conference in
I had been apprehensive about asking for the time off from work, but my supervisor was really nice about it, even though my two other coworkers have milestones due at the end of July.
Diet: WARNING: might be TMI but I like to get my progress down in black and white:
I've been motivated by the articles I read on eDiets and eFitness. I read about the blood-type diet, which recommends that my blood type eat more vegetables. So I've been doing that lately and actually, I've felt better. I eat a lot of meat mostly because my husband likes meat, but the other day I had vegetable red curry at a Thai restaurant. Not only was it delicious, but I didn't feel as heavy as I usually do after eating Thai curry.
I also made a Hawaiian-style vegetable fried rice that I'm rather proud of. A substantial portion is only about 500 calories. Yay me!
It's nice to live here in
I'm also eating yogurt--fat-free Dannon mixed with some frozen berries and a Splenda packet. I made 100 calorie portions and it's perfect.
I've been exercising at least three times a week. So far this week, I've exercised four times, although today my legs are killing me from the squats and lunges I did yesterday. :) I started interspersing the running with Taebo to prevent the shin splints from getting worse.
Okay, enough procrastination. Back to writing.