Captain’s Log, Stardate 04.01.2005
I am such a Control Freak. Lord, how many times do You have to remind me to give it up to You? If I don’t write for You, then I’m only writing for myself. Why can’t I get my head on straight and remember to dedicate my time at this keyboard to You? I’m so forgetful, so selfish. But I know You have power to help me despite my weaknesses. Help me to serve You with my writing, Lord.
Writing: I mailed off my Noble Theme Contest entry yesterday, but changed my category last minute to general Suspense/Mystery rather than Romantic Suspense. I lay awake on Wednesday night thinking about it and comparing my opening chapter to the Inspirational Romantic Suspense books I’ve read, which are mostly Steeple Hill. My friend Pammer’s chapter opens up just like a Love Inspired Suspense, but mine is more akin to Brandilyn Collins’ suspense stories, even though the heroine meets the hero in the first chapter. I just hope there are enough Suspense entries (eleven) to qualify for its own category.
I’ve also committed to the ACFW Book In a Week starting on Monday. I want to finish my manuscript (I’ve been revising what I have thus far) and this sounds like just what I need to kick my productivity in the rear-end. Hopefully it’ll be done by the end of next week.
Diet: I had a good diet day yesterday (only 1600 calories) and today has been fabulous so far, because I had a salad for lunch and I ran when I got home. I read in an article from that when you exercise (aerobic) for longer time periods like 30-40 minutes, you release various hormones that actually help you as you work out. That’s way cool. I’m glad my running route takes me about 40 minutes. And the dog had a good run, too.