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Showing posts from March, 2012

What I'm writing in YEAR OF THE DOG

I just finished writing Year of the Dog ! It had a massive plot hole that I had to fix which turned out to be more work than I expected. Here’s a snippet: “Hey, Auntie Nell.” He wrapped his arms around her, bussing her on the cheek and breathing in pikake flowers and shortbread cookies. And suddenly he was nine years old again, and her solid presence had made his chaotic world stable once more. “What are you doing here?” He usually took her to dinner on Wednesday nights, but today was Tuesday. The edges of her smile faltered a little before brightening right back up again. “What, I can’t visit my nephew?” She angled around him to enter his home. “Is this your new house? Looks lovely.” Which was a blatant lie, because the fixer-upper was barely livable, much less acceptable to a neat-freak like his aunt. She also left four matching pink and purple floral suitcases on the stoop behind her. Only then did Ashwin notice the cab driver standing slightly to the side of the walkway. “Can ...
Wouldn't you hate (okay, not hate , but be a tad disappointed) to realize you won the Mega Millions lottery and then find out you have to share it with three other people ?

Rainy Saturday

Rainy Saturday , a photo by camytang on Flickr. My soggy backyard. I'm glad to be snug in my house today!

For those of us with fat fingers

I realized today how much my thick fingers love Siri on my iPhone! Otherwise texting something would take me a year.

Reseasoning cast iron

I am reseasoning my cast iron dutch oven, using the method from Lodge . I figure they’ve been making cast iron pots and skillets for so long, they must know what they’re talking about. The problem is that the dutch oven is in my oven and the house is getting smoky! What’s up with that? Not enough to set off the fire alarm, but it’s definitely a little paler in the kitchen. Am I doing something wrong?
Captain Caffeine said I should write this: Hunger Games with zombies. He even said it with a straight face. Then he added, “Amish zombies.”

Squirrels keep running back and forth along my fence.

What in the world are they doing? My dog is going nuts. I think they are deliberately baiting her .

Mega Millions

Hubby bought a lottery ticket. I hope this doesn't make us bad Christians. LOL Captain Caffeine said that we're guaranteed to win because he bought it from a Mom-n-Pop grocery store. ;) How about you? Anyone bought a ticket?

Bradley Cooper = Charles

Isn't he a cutie? This is actor Bradley Cooper. He's what I envision my hero Charles from Protection for Hire looking like.

CJSF radio interview

Captain's Log, Stardate 03.23.2012 In case some of you haven’t seen my videos on Facebook and don’t know what I sound like (dorky), I had a radio interview on station CJSF with K.P. Wee, and the MP3 of the interview is up on the web. Here’s the link: The interview starts 4 minutes 28 seconds in after the opening song. And did you know that the ebook of Protection for Hire is only $3.99? The sale ends on Sunday (I think) so get your copy now! And give copies as gifts to your friends and family! Read an excerpt here. Buy Ebook: Nookbook Kindle BOOKSAMILLION.COM

How to get Facebook Page updates on your News page

Captain's Log, Stardate 03.20.2012 I’ve been annoyed lately because Facebook changes SO often that I have to keep changing my settings in order to make sure I get the feed updates I want. My latest annoyance is that I didn’t know how to get the news feeds of the pages I liked, like the ones for music artists and TV shows. But this also includes Authors I’ve liked, which is what spurred me to figure out how to do this. How to get updates from your “liked” pages on your main Facebook news page: 1) Go to your profile. 2) Click on your Likes. 3) You’ll see a list of everything you’ve “liked” on Facebook. Hover your mouse over each one, and a little box will pop up. 4) Hover your mouse over the gray “Liked” box. A dropdown list will show up. 5) There will be a section called “Add to lists” and you may already have lists or there is an option to add a “New list.” You can add the page to a list already there, or add a new list. 6) When you add a new list, you’ll get a popup...

"A Living Prayer" sung by Alfie Boe

Captain's Log, Stardate 03.19.2012 I watched the 25th anniversary Les Miserables DVD a few days ago, and ever since then I’ve become a total fangirl for the singer who played Valjean, Alfie Boe. His voice is FLIPPIN’ AMAZING. Don’t believe me? Watch this: I was literally gasping after watching him sing “Bring Him Home.” So I bought Alfie’s CD You’ll Never Walk Alone and also Bring Him Home . (His new album, Alfie , will release in June in the US, although I ordered a copy from the UK ( here , in case you’re interested) because it has one song on it that isn’t on the US version— “Empty Chairs at Empty Tables” with Michael Ball. In the US version, it’s sung with Nick Jonas, who while cuter, does not have as amazing a voice as Michael Ball.) I thought I’d listen to Bring Him Home more since it’s got mostly musical theater songs, but since I’ve been on deadline, I’ve found myself listening more to You’ll Never Walk Alone , which has a lot of opera songs in languages I don...

Review: Come Be My Love

Come Be My Love by Diana Brown My rating: 5 of 5 stars Wonderful, engaging, entertaining book with occasional passages of literary merit that aren't off-putting or alienating like other literary fiction I've read. Both hero and heroine change admirably in the book. The heroine's childhood infatuation for the hero takes a mature turn at the midway point, and although her decisions are a bit stubborn at one point, they're understandable in light of how the men in her life have treated her in trying to force her to bow to their will. I liked her so much by that point that it wasn't off-putting to me how some of the decisions she made weren't good ones, or that she naively believed in the goodness of a man a bit like Wickham from P&P. The hero also matures and shows his love for the heroine with his protective and sacrificial actions even before he tells her he loves her, which really makes his love seem more believable. My only two complaints ... ...

Review: Jane Austen Ruined My Life

Jane Austen Ruined My Life by Beth Pattillo My rating: 5 of 5 stars I really wasn't sure what to expect when I started this book, but since I had enjoyed the author's Betsy books, I was reasonably certain I'd enjoy this one. I didn't just enjoy this book, I absolutely loved it. It was partly due to the fact that I adore Jane Austen and reread her books at least once every year. The parallels the storyline took with Austen's novel plots was both poignant and surprising. I'm sure I didn't describe that adequately, but there it is. There were several points at which I teared up with the poignancy of the story, and other times I was gasping in surprise and delight. It's rather a big deal for me to like a book I cried over, because in general I hate books that make me cry. (Give me a suspense or a comedy any day over a women's fiction or literary book. Life has enough pain that I don't care to be slugged with it in the pages of a novel.) B...