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Showing posts from April, 2010

Lady Wynwood’s Spies, Volume 7 annotated edition

Earlier I had posted that you can now buy Lady Wynwood’s Spies, Volume 7: Spinster  on my website. But I forgot to mention that for a limited time, if you buy the eBook  or the paperback , you’ll also get the annotated edition eBook with Easter Eggs, behind-the-scenes tidbits, research notes, and random author commentary FREE. Once the book goes into Kindle Unlimited, I can no longer offer the annotated version on my website, so be sure to get it now before the book goes up on Amazon. 10% off coupon code for ALL BOOKS I finally got all the Lady Wynwood’s Spies regular paperbacks in my store, and if you use the coupon code website10 , you can get 10% off all the eBooks and paperback books in my shop! NOTE: If you’re waiting for the Special Edition paperbacks, those will be available in my Kickstarter  later this month. Get 10% off

Teddy Grahams

Captain's Log, Stardate 04.28.2010 I blogged yesterday at Girls, God, and the Good Life about (what else?) food: Camy here! And yes, I realized I just posted about marshmallows and now I’m posting about Teddy Grahams. What can I say, I’m on a food kick. (Come to think of it, when am I not on a food kick?) Click here to read the rest and weigh in!

Interview on Hook'em and Book'em blog

Captain's Log, Supplemental I'm totally thrilled to be interviewed on Mark Young's blog! Check it out here ! Mark's a former police officer and I absolutely love his blog. I read it all the time because he has great interviews with mystery/suspense authors and also law enforcement officers. Really cool stuff!

Nerd alert

Captain’s Log, Supplemental Captain Caffeine and I were watching last week’s episode of the TV show CSI and it was one of those funny episodes as opposed to their more serious ones (I wish they’d get back on the Dr. Jekyll serial killer! Way cool!). Anyway, poor Henry, one of the lab techs, has had some practical jokes played on him and he blames Hodges, who is admittedly one of my least favorite characters but he’s also one of the most unique characters I’ve seen on TV. Henry: ”Back off, man. I’m a toxicologist. I know every odorless, colorless, vomit-inducing liquid known to man. You think about that the next time you eat lunch.” I heard that and just howled. Captain Caffeine says it’s my geeky biologist side. I’m like, Come on, other people think it’s funny too, right? Right?

How to cook fresh parsley?

Captain’s Log, Stardate 04.22.2010 I’m over at with a poll for you kitchen gurus: Camy here! And yes, I’m serious. Whether you love or hate vegetables, I’d like some ideas from you guys. Here’s the setup (and a little gushing): Click here to read the rest and chime in!

Excerpt - Mountain Peril by Sandra Robbins

Mountain Peril by Sandra Robbins According to an anonymous message, a young woman is going to be murdered in the North Carolina mountains. When a body is found, Danielle Tyler is shocked to learn it's her student—the third person in her life to meet an untimely death. Is she next? From disturbing notes and roses left in her office to cold-blooded murder, someone means deadly business. Detective Jack Denton—the stalwart lawman who makes her pulse race—vows to find the deranged madman, but Danielle doesn't dare let him too close. Especially when death seems to be the destiny of anyone she cares about… Excerpt of chapter one: The Webster Falls Sheriff's Department Asks for Help in Apprehending a Killer. The flashing words, accompanied by the steady drone of a drumbeat and the eerie sound of distant guitars, hovered above a picture that sent chills down Danielle Tyler's back. She leaned closer to the computer screen and stared spellbound at the scen...

Deadly Intent finaled in the National Readers’ Choice Awards!

Captain’s Log, Stardate 04.20.2010 I was thrilled to get a phone call from the Oklahoma RWA chapter that Deadly Intent finaled in their National Readers’ Choice Awards contest! YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY !!! It finaled in the Inspirational romance category. I’m also deeply honored by the other finalists! Look what illustrious company I’m in! Inspirational LAURA SCOTT - THE THANKSGIVING TARGET ROBIN LEE HATCHER - A VOTE OF CONFIDENCE ROBIN LEE HATCHER - FIT TO BE TIED CAMY TANG - DEADLY INTENT COLLEEN COBLE - THE LIGHTKEEPER'S DAUGHTER Click here to see the rest of the finalists in the other categories!

Interview and excerpt - BLOOD RANSOM by Lisa Harris

Captain's Log, Stardate 04.19.2010 Blood Ransom by Lisa Harris Natalie Sinclair is working to eradicate the diseases decimating whole villages in the Republic of Dhambizao when she meets Dr. Chad Talcott, a surgeon on sabbatical from a lucrative medical practice now volunteering at a small clinic. Meanwhile, things are unraveling in Dhambizao. Joseph Komboli returns to his village to discover rebel soldiers abducting his family and friends. Those that were too old or weak to work lay motionless in the African soil. When Chad and Natalie decide to help Joseph expose this modern-day slave trade—and a high-ranking political figure involved in it—disaster nips at their heels. Where is God in the chaos? Will Chad, Natalie, and Joseph win their race against time? Romance and adventure drive Blood Ransom, by Lisa Harris, a powerful thriller about the modern-day slave trade and those who dare to challenge it. Excerpt of chapter one: PROLOGUE A narrow shaft of sunlight ...

Excerpt - PraiseMoves DVD by Laurette Willis

Today's Wild Card author is: Laurette Willis and the book: Power PraiseMoves™ DVD December 1, 2009 ***Special thanks to David P. Bartlett - Print & Internet Publicist - Harvest House Publishers for sending me a review copy.*** ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Laurette Willis, the founder of PraiseMoves®, is a Women’s Fitness Specialist and certified personal trainer, as well as a popular keynote speaker and an award-winning actor and playwright. She has produced the videos PraiseMoves™ and 20-Minute PraiseMoves™ and written BASIC Steps to Godly Fitness. Visit the author's website . Product Details: List Price: $16.99 Actors: Laurette Willis Directors: Josh Atkinson Format: NTSC Region: All Regions Number of discs: 1 Studio: CT Videography DVD Release Date: December 1, 2009 Run Time: 120 minutes ASIN: 0736928456 AND NOW...A SAMPLE OF THE VIDEO: It is time for a FIRST Wild Card Tour book review! If you wish to join the FIRST...


Captain’s Log, Stardate 04.14.2010 I’m at Girls, God, and the Good Life today talking about—what else?—food: Camy here with yet another really random and not very spiritual post. But you all love me anyway, right? Right??? Anyway, I’ve been on a marshmallow kick since Easter. It’s all the fault of those darn Peeps. I love them. I love biting their heads off. (There’s some deep psychological meaning behind that, but I’m going to ignore that.) Click here to read the rest and weigh in!

Excerpt - A STRANGER'S WISH by Gayle Roper

Today's Wild Card author is: Gayle Roper and the book: A Stranger's Wish (The Amish Farm Trilogy) Harvest House Publishers; Original edition (February 1, 2010) ***Special thanks to David P. Bartlett - Print & Internet Publicist - Harvest House Publishers for sending me a review copy.*** ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Gayle Roper is the award-winning author of more than forty books and has been a Christy finalist three times. Gayle enjoys speaking at women’s events across the nation and loves sharing the powerful truths of Scripture with humor and practicality. She lives with her husband in southeastern Pennsylvania where Gayle enjoys reading, gardening, and her family. Visit the author's website . Englischer Kristie Matthews' move to an Amish family farm leads to mystery. While solving the mystery (and staying alive), Kristie must decide whether her lawyer boyfriend, Todd Reasoner, is really right for her....or if Jon Clarke Griffin, the new local man she's ...

Citizen’s Police Academy

Captain’s Log, Stardate 04.13.2010 I had never even heard of one until yesterday, then when I Googled it I saw one for Santa Clara California residents that seems pretty neat. I tried to find one for San Jose but no luck, so I emailed the San Jose Police Department to ask about one. (I wonder why the SJPD website didn’t have a link to the Citizen’s Police Academy? I saw some news pages saying that San Jose did have one, so why isn’t it on the website?) It’s kind of scary emailing a police department. And I felt a little silly saying I’m a novelist, but hopefully there aren’t SO many engineers in San Jose that the SJPD understands that us weird artistic types live here, too. So now I’m waiting for them to email me back. I hope the timing is right so that I could take it this summer or something like that. I think that taking it would help me write my romantic suspense novels better. Usually crime involves the police, right? And often cops or ex-cops are good heroes in romantic...

Excerpt - Calculated Revenge by Jill Elizabeth Nelson

Calculated Revenge by Jill Elizabeth Nelson It's been eighteen years since Laney Thompson's sister was abducted and killed, but the pain Laney feels has never faded. And now the murderer is back, taunting Laney with mementos of her sister and threatening Laney's young daughter. School principal Noah Ryder is her best hope for protecting her daughter—if she can convince the former investigator to take the case. As the threats accelerate, a string of clues leads Laney to uncover old secrets. But without Noah's help, how can she piece together the puzzle before her child—like her sister—is lost to a killer's revenge? Excerpt of chapter one: The grimy backpack rested abandoned against the playground fence. Laney Thompson's eyes riveted on the schoolbag, but her feet stuck to the gravel near the swings. What was the matter with her? The students had rushed less than a minute ago into the elementary school building after noon recess. One of them must have...

Excerpt – HER MOTHER'S HOPE by Francine Rivers

Captain's Log, Stardate 04.12.2010 Her Mother’s Hope by Francine Rivers From the beloved, best-selling author of Redeeming Love comes a powerful epic that spans continents and generations in an unforgettable story about family and faith, dreams and disappointments, and ultimately the resilience and tenacity of love. Best-selling author Francine Rivers pens a sweeping and lyrical two-book saga that explores the depths of grace and forgiveness in one of life’s fiercest bonds—the love between mother and daughter. Near the turn of the twentieth century, fiery Marta Schneider is torn between her father’s declaration that she’ll never be more than a servant and her mother’s encouragement to chase her dreams. Determined to fulfill her mother’s hope, Marta leaves home for a better life. Young and alone, she earns her way with a series of housekeeping and cooking jobs that bring her ever closer to her dream of owning an inn. Heartbreaking news from home strengthens Marta’s reso...

I’m so ready for the rain to stop ...

Captain's Log, Stardate 04.08.2010 I’m over at the Faithchick blog with a bit of weather whining: Camy here! Give me a hollaback if you’re tired of winter yet??? Click here to read the rest of why I am a wimp. (Update: I corrected the link! Sorry about that!)

Excerpt - Deadly Vows by Shirlee McCoy

Deadly Vows by Shirlee McCoy Olivia Jarrod was newly placed in witness protection when she discovered she was pregnant. First rule of the program: no contact with anyone from her former life. That includes her estranged husband, Ford Jensen—the unknowing father of her unborn child. Despite their rocky marriage, Olivia still loves him deeply. And when Ford shocks her by tracking her down, she knows the mobster pursuing her can't be far behind. But now their baby's very life depends on both of them staying alive— and together. Excerpt of chapter one: She'd popped. Olivia Jarrod turned sideways and stared at her reflection, not sure if she should be elated or horrified. The flat plane of her stomach was gone. In its place was a subtle roundness that was emphasized by her fitted T-shirt. She placed her hands on the bump, imagining tiny hands and feet, translucent skin, a swiftly beating heart. Her baby. And Ford's. She frowned, pulling the fab...