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Showing posts from December, 2007

What I'm writing in YEAR OF THE DOG

I just finished writing Year of the Dog ! It had a massive plot hole that I had to fix which turned out to be more work than I expected. Here’s a snippet: “Hey, Auntie Nell.” He wrapped his arms around her, bussing her on the cheek and breathing in pikake flowers and shortbread cookies. And suddenly he was nine years old again, and her solid presence had made his chaotic world stable once more. “What are you doing here?” He usually took her to dinner on Wednesday nights, but today was Tuesday. The edges of her smile faltered a little before brightening right back up again. “What, I can’t visit my nephew?” She angled around him to enter his home. “Is this your new house? Looks lovely.” Which was a blatant lie, because the fixer-upper was barely livable, much less acceptable to a neat-freak like his aunt. She also left four matching pink and purple floral suitcases on the stoop behind her. Only then did Ashwin notice the cab driver standing slightly to the side of the walkway. “Can ...

Sushi for One in the ACFW Book Club!

Captain's Log, Supplemental Thanks for voting! Sushi for One was chosen for the ACFW Book Club discussion for February! The Book Club will start discussing the novel around mid-February. You can join the ACFW Book Club loop to participate in the discussion. I’ll be on the loop to answer any questions, and there will also be an online chat on March 3rd.

Only Uni excerpt!

Captain's Log, Stardate 12.25.2007 Merry Christmas! As a little Christmas gift to you, here’s the first chapter of Only Uni , the next novel in my Sushi series! Click here to download chapter one (.pdf)

Single Sashimi cover!

Captain's Log, Stardate 12.24.2007 Here it is! Book 3 in the Sushi series! Single Sashimi Drake Yu. Why would Drake call her after … what, five years? Six? Venus heard in his voice that resonance that was almost a growl, that titanium-hard determination to get what he wanted. And he usually got what he wanted. The voice said: “I want you to work for me.” Not this time… If it was a choice between Drake and McDonald’s—she’d choose french fries. She’d never work for him again. It would take an act of God. Venus Chau is determined to start her own game development company and launch the next Super Mario-sized phenomenon. However, she needs an investor to back her idea. When Drake Yu, an old nemesis, approaches Venus with a contracting opportunity at his sister’s startup, the offer to become Chief Operating Officer tempts Venus to think the unthinkable. Venus would rather throw away her PS3 than work for Drake again … except Grandma bribes Venus to do this favor for Drake’s wealthy fam...

I’ve Been Carded meme

Captain's Log, Stardate 12.22.2007 Ronie Kendig altered this CARDED meme to include a Spiritual Wish list so we can know how to pray for each other, both spiritually and physically. Isn’t that a great idea? THE RULES: 1. Each player starts with 5 gifts that they would want for Christmas. 2. People who are "CARDED" need to write their own Blog about their 5 things & post these rules. 3. At the end of your Blog, you need to choose 5 people to get "CARDED" and list their names. 4. Don't forget to leave them a COMMENT telling them they're "CARDED", and to read your Blog. My Materialistic Gift/Wish List: 1. Another contract or two 2. The Robotech DVD collection . I loved this series when I was growing up! 3. A recumbent exercise bike. My old one has a weird seat that angles forward, and it’s causing havoc on my back. 4. A drip water system for my plants 5. An Alphasmart Neo My Spiritual Gift/Wish List: 1. Discipline to eat smaller portions, sto...

The 12 Authors of Christmas – Sharon Hinck

Captain's Log, Stardate 12.21.2007 Continuing the 12 Authors of Christmas, here’s author Sharon Hinck ! View the tour, including Rachel Hauck and Tricia Goyer’s authors, here . About Sharon: Sharon Hinck is the award-winning author of The Secret Life of Becky Miller , Renovating Becky Miller , The Restorer , and The Restorer's Son . She's currently considering cross-country skiing over to her publisher's office, because she heard a rumor that an early copy of her latest release, Symphony of Secrets has arrived there - but she doesn't have the car today. ARGH! But talk about a thrilling Christmas gift! She loves visitors, so stop by her website at , and be sure to check out the new book, as well as Restorer's Journey due out in February. Tell us about your first Christmas memory. I remember gathering around the Advent wreath, and eagerly waiting for when it was time to light "one more candle" and be that much closer...

The 12 Authors of Christmas – Mary Connealy

Captain's Log, Supplemental Continuing the 12 Authors of Christmas, here’s historical romance author Mary Connealy ! View the tour, including Rachel Hauck and Tricia Goyer’s authors, here . About Mary: Mary Connealy is an author, a journalist and a teacher. She has written books for three different divisions of Barbour Publishing; Petticoat Ranch , the first of a three book series of historical western, suspenseful, romantic comedies, for Barbour Trade Fiction, and Golden Days with Heartsong Presents. I’ll also be writing a three book series of contemporary, romantic comedy, cozy mysteries for Heartsong Presents Mysteries. You can find out more about Mary through her website. And the blogs she plays around on are: & & Mary’s dream is to tell love stories that make people laugh while drawing them closer to God. She lives on a farm in Nebr...

Vote for Sushi for One for the ACFW BookClub!

Captain's Log, Supplemental Please vote for my book for the ACFW BookClub for February ! If you don’t already belong to the bookclub, it’s a great way to connect with other readers and discuss Christian fiction! (If I don’t care for the book being discussed that month, I just delete emails or go temporarily no mail for that month.) Join up!

The 12 Authors of Christmas – Tracey Bateman

Captain's Log, Stardate 12.19.2007 Continuing the 12 Authors of Christmas, here’s author Tracey Bateman ! View the tour, including Rachel Hauck and Tricia Goyer’s authors, here . About Tracey: Tracey Bateman has published over 30 titles with 900,000 books in print. She lives in the beautiful Missouri Ozarks with her husband and four children, where family and church are key components of everyday life. She is living her dream of being a fulltime writer and attributes this miracle to the grace and love of God. She loves to encourage new writers to dream big. Words to live by: He leads me beside still waters: He restores my soul. Tell us about your first Christmas memory? I was four years old and as the youngest of seven brothers and sisters, I was merely a an innocent by-stander in their search for hidden Christmas presents. (smile) The guilt is probably what makes me remember that Walking Doll I got that year. Growing up, did your family have Christmas traditions?...

The 12 Authors of Christmas – Veronica Heley

Captain's Log, Stardate 12.18.2007 Continuing the 12 Authors of Christmas, here’s author Veronica Heley ! View the tour, including Rachel Hauck and Tricia Goyer’s authors, here . About Veronica: VERONICA HELEY has had 59 titles published so far, including crime and historical for adults, and many books with a Christian background for children of all ages. In her time she has contributed playlets for a telephone storyline, storyboards for cartoons, and book reviews and articles in the Christian press. Bible Reading Fellowship published her straight-forward biography of St Paul – WHO, ME? PAUL – and STORIES OF EVERYDAY SAINTS , a resource book for those working with children. She is currently writing the Ellie Quicke Mysteries for HarperCollins and Severn House - most of this series are already in hardback, paperback, large print and audiobook. Ellie is a feisty, fiftyish widow who solves crimes in the community by networking with friends and acquaintances, while dealing with her ...

The 12 Authors of Christmas – Susan May Warren

Captain's Log, Supplemental Continuing the 12 Authors of Christmas, here’s author Susan May Warren ! View the tour, including Rachel Hauck and Tricia Goyer’s authors, here . About Susan: Susan May Warren is the best-selling author of more than 20 novels and novellas with Tyndale, Barbour and Steeple Hill. A three time Christy award finalist, and three time winner of the Inspirational Readers Choice contest, Susan currently has over 500,000 books in print. A seasoned women’s events speaker and writing teacher, she’s taught at the American Christian Fiction Writer’s conference for the past three years, and she runs a fiction editing service ( ) training writers how to tell a great story. After serving for eight years with her husband and four children as missionaries in Khabarovsk, Far East Russia she now writes full-time while her husband runs a hotel on Lake Superior in northern Minnesota. Her most recent book is Chill Out, Josey! The hilarious adventures of ...

Book excerpt - THE OAK LEAVES by Maureen Lang

The Oak Leaves by Maureen Lang: Talie Ingram has an ideal life: a successful, devoted husband, a beautiful one-year-old son, and another child on the way. But her world is shattered when she discovers a shocking family secret in the nineteenth-century journal of her ancestor Cosima Escott. Only in reading Cosima's words can Talie make peace with the legacy she's inherited and the one she's passed on to her son. From Library Journal: "A tender account of unconditional love and the deeper joy that results from overcoming the odds, Lang's latest is recommended for all collections..." To read a chapter of this triumphant new title go to ChapterAWeek . If you don't belong to Chapter a Week, it's free and easy to join. Just click here .

The 12 Authors of Christmas – MaryLu Tyndall

Captain's Log, Supplemental Continuing the 12 Authors of Christmas, here’s historical romance author MaryLu Tyndall ! View the tour, including Rachel Hauck and Tricia Goyer’s authors, here . About MaryLu: MaryLu Tyndall dreamt of pirates and sea-faring adventures during her childhood days on Florida’s Coast. She holds a degree in Math and worked as a software engineer for fifteen years before testing the waters as a writer. Her love of history and passion for story drew her to create the Legacy of the King’s Pirates Series. MaryLu now writes full time and makes her home with her husband, six children, and four cats on California’s coast, where her imagination still surges with the sea. Her passion is to write page-turning, romantic adventures that not only entertain but expose Christians to their full potential in Christ. Her next release will be an adventurous Regency out in August 2008. You can visit her on her website at . Tell us about your first Christ...

The 12 Authors of Christmas – Elizabeth Musser

Captain's Log, Supplemental About Elizabeth: Elizabeth Musser, a native of Atlanta, Georgia now living in France, is a novelist who writes what she calls ‘entertainment with a soul.’ Her novels have been acclaimed in the United States and in Europe. The Swan House , set in Atlanta in the early sixties, was named as one of Amazon’s Top Christian Books of the Year (2001) and was an ABA and SEBA bestseller. Her French-Algerian trilogy, which takes place during Algeria’s War for Independence from France ( Two Crosses , Two Testaments , Two Destinies ) has been a bestseller in Europe. Elizabeth’s latest novel, The Dwelling Place , (2005), set in present day Atlanta, and a sequel to The Swan House , takes the reader back into the events of 1968 in both America and France, examining themes of brokenness and healing, faith and forgiveness, surrender and sacrifice. Elizabeth’s new novel, Searching for Eternity , was released in October, 2007. From an interview with Publisher’s Weekly, “...

The 12 Authors of Christmas – Missy Tippens

Captain's Log, Supplemental Continuing the 12 Authors of Christmas, here’s contemporary romance author Missy Tippens ! View the tour, including Rachel Hauck and Tricia Goyer’s authors, here . About Missy: Born and raised in Kentucky, Missy met her very own hero when she headed off to grad school in Atlanta, Georgia. She promptly fell in love and hasn’t left Georgia since. She and her pastor husband have been married 20-plus years now, and have been blessed with three wonderful children along with an assortment of pets. In L.B.C. (Life Before Children), Missy worked as a clinical microbiologist. Once she had her first baby, she retired to become a stay-at-home mom. She’s grateful to God that she was able to do that for 16 years and had the opportunity to pursue her writing during that time. Nowadays, in addition to her writing, she teaches as an adjunct instructor at a local technical college. Missy is an award-winning writer and was a finalist in Romance Writers of America’s Golden...

The 12 Authors of Christmas – Janet Dean

Captain's Log, Stardate 12.11.2007 Continuing the 12 Authors of Christmas, here’s historical romance author Janet Dean! View the tour, including Rachel Hauck and Tricia Goyer’s authors, here . About Janet: Janet’s journey toward publication took nine exciting, sometimes painful years of learning her craft and dealing with rejection. Two of her manuscripts were 2005 and 2006 Golden Heart finalists. One of those manuscripts was a 2006 ACFW Genesis finalist. Today Janet writes inspirational romances for Steeple Hill. Fascinated with history and the role of strong women in our nation’s past, Janet brings both together in her faith-based love stories. Her debut novel, Courting Miss Adelaide , Love Inspired historical will be released in September 2008. Steeple Hill recently bought her second book in the series, Distant Hearts , w/t. Janet is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America, and Faith, Hope, Love. When she isn’t writing, Janet enjoys making gree...